Purchase a tax certificate

You can purchase a property tax certificate online using the Tax Certificate Online Tool (TCOL).

The fee is payable by credit card.

Visit apicanada.com/tcol/ to set up a free TCOL account and purchase a tax certificate. You will need:

  • an email address
  • a credit card, and
  • the municipal address for the property, or
  • the property roll number, or
  • the PIN for the property (lawyers, real estate agent or financial institutions typically have the PIN).

When your payment is processed, you will receive the certificate via email.

What is a property tax certificate?

A property tax certificate is a legal document showing the status of a property’s taxes, such as the amount due, the payment history, local improvement charges and any arrears or penalties.

You may need a property tax certificate to:

  • verify the taxes owing on a property before buying or selling it
  • apply for a mortgage or refinancing on a property
  • settle an estate or a divorce involving a property
  • obtain information for legal or accounting purposes

What is the difference between a statement of account and a tax certificate?

A statement of account shows the taxes paid on a property, while a Tax Certificate is a legal document that includes a comprehensive description of taxes levied to a property, and any liens on the property.

Need more help?

[email protected]
519-822-1260 extension 5605
TTY 519-826-9771