2018 Development Charges Background Study

The City of Guelph completed a 2018 Development Charges Background Study – Consolidated Report. The information gathered was used to inform the updated development charges bylaw and rates.

The City engaged Watson and Associates Economists Ltd. to conduct the study and enlisted a stakeholder group—comprised of local residents and representatives from the development community—to ensure the process resulted in a fair and defendable rate.

The study process involved:

  • A forecast of the amount, type and location of development anticipated in the city.
  • Determination of the average capital service levels provided in the City over the ten-year period preceding the preparation of the background study.
  • A review of the capital infrastructure required to accommodate the forecasted growth including an analysis of gross expenditures and the funding sources, and the determination of the growth and non-growth related components of the capital projects.
  • An examination of the long-term capital costs for the capital infrastructure required for each service to which the development charges bylaws would relate.

Background study material

Meeting minutes


What was the role of the stakeholder group?

The Stakeholder Group reviewed, consulted, and exchanged information regarding the Development Charge Background Study and its process to ensure development charges are levied in a fair and equitable manner. The Stakeholder Group reviewed growth related capital plans and assumptions that informed the 2018 Development Charges Background Study. The Stakeholder Group was not a decision-making body and did not have the authority to vote, commit City resources or direct the work of employees. Participants openly discussed views and opinions and seek information and common ground.

The Stakeholder Group evolved into the Peer Review Group for the 2023 Development Charge Background Study update.