City currently marking ash and hazard trees for removal starting fall 2024

Guelph, Ont., June 10, 2024 – The City of Guelph is currently marking public trees for removal later this year. Trees in parks and natural areas that are hazardous and ash trees infested and killed by the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) are being marked with an orange “X” to designate them for removal.

Areas with trees being marked for removal include:

  • Hanlon Creek
  • Milson Crescent trail
  • Preservation Park
  • Silvercreek Park
  • Victoria Road North trails
  • Westminster Woods trails
  • Woodlawn Road East

Tree removals will start in fall 2024 and may continue through the winter until spring 2025. This work is being done as a part of our Emerald Ash Borer Plan and annual hazard tree removal operation.

Hazard trees on private property

Hazardous limbs and trees from private property are the responsibility of the owner. Under the Property Standards Bylaw, you must reassess, remove and replace hazard trees and ash trees impacted by EAB.

About the Emerald Ash Borer Plan

The emerald ash borer is a highly destructive, non-native, wood-boring beetle that feeds under the bark of ash trees, ultimately killing them. EAB is expected to destroy close to 100 per cent of Guelph’s untreated street, park and woodland ash trees. For more information on tree pests and diseases visit

For more information

Timea Filer, Urban Forestry Field Technologist
Parks Operations and Forestry, Parks
City of Guelph
519-822-1260 extension 3352
[email protected]