Rotary Club will not host Guelph’s Canada Day celebrations

Guelph, Ont., May 13, 2024 – The Rotary Club of Guelph has informed the City that, effective this year, it will not host a Canada Day festival and fireworks program in Guelph.

The Rotary Club of Guelph has executed Canada Day events and fireworks with the support of funding established in a Community Benefit of Agreement with the City since 2015. Due to operational capacity and adjustments to fundraising efforts, it is no longer feasible for the Club to execute a large-scale event for Canada Day and the City will not renew the Club’s Community Benefit Agreement.

The City may explore the possibility of accepting proposals from community organizations interested in executing a civic celebration for Canada Day in 2025 with particular consideration for themes related to truth and reconciliation.

What to do on Canada Day in 2024

As in previous years, the City will offer diverse and inclusive experiences on Monday, July 1 that encourage people to gather for celebration or commemoration, including opportunities for reflection and learning at Guelph Museums and McCrae House, family-friendly daytime play and community cultural events. Additional details will be posted on and the City’s social media accounts in the coming weeks.

For more information

Katherine Galley
Manager, Strategic Communications
City of Guelph
[email protected]