Tag Archives: invasive

Invasive species removals coming to parks and natural areas starting this spring

Guelph, Ont., March 21, 2025 – We’re working to improve ecological health in our parks and natural areas by removing invasive plant species like buckthorn, Japanese knotweed, dog strangling vine and phragmites australis (also called common weed). Invasive species crowd out native species, threaten ecological integrity of parks and natural areas, and reduce habitat for wildlife. Removing both invasive species before they establish and spread protects our parks and natural areas. Removals take place between the months of March to November using mechanical and herbicide methods. The work for each site takes three to five days to complete, weather permitting, and signs will be installed in each location during the treatment. Please stay out of work areas when signs are present Both Garlon™ and Roundup… Continue reading Invasive species removals coming to parks and natural areas starting this spring