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Submit your street name suggestions
Phone: 519-837-5616
TTY: 519-826-9771
[email protected]
Planning Services, City Hall, 1 Carden Street, Guelph, Ontario, N1H 3A1
Frequently asked questions
How does a street get named?
Seventy-five per cent of new streets are named after war casualties: citizens who made a significant contribution to the city, and City employees who died while in the service of our city. The remaining 25 per cent are taken from approved recommendations from the general public or developers.
What’s involved in the street naming process?
- Staff check recommended street name(s) from the public or the developer for conflict with existing street names in Guelph and the Townships of Puslinch and Guelph-Eramosa;
- All recommended names are circulated to staff from fire, police, planning and engineering for review, comment and approval;
- Approved names are added to the official list of potential street names which is distributed to development applicants for selection.
How and when do the approved street names get used?
When a subdivision is registered, the approved street name signs are made in the following manner:
- Honourary street name signs for Guelph’s war casualties are identified by blue letters on a white background and a poppy symbol;
- Honourary street name signs for individuals of historical contribution to the city and City employees who died while in the service of our city are identified by blue letters on a white background with the City of Guelph crest.
To date, a total of 149 city streets have been named in honour of war casualties, citizens who made a significant contribution to the city and city employees who died while in the service of this our city.