Parking permits

Monthly parking permit fees

All fees include HST

Location 2024 Fee per month
Arthur Street parking lot (restrictions apply) $115.26
Cardigan Street East time exempt $81.65
Cardigan Street meters $84.39
East Parkade $183.73
East Parkade (residential rate) $82.22
Farquhar Street East time exempt $81.65
Farquhar Street meters $102.07
Fountain Street Parking Lot $89.84
Freshfield Street time exempt $102.07
Macdonell Street parking Lot $183.73
Market Parkade $183.73
Market Parkade residential: valid 4 p.m. to 10 a.m. $82.22
Market Parkade (Bicycle space) $40.00
Neeve Street parking lot $136.10
Norwich Street parking lot (restrictions apply) $115.26
Surrey Street time exempt $89.84
West Parkade $183.73
West Parkade residential: valid 4 p.m. to 10 a.m. $82.22
Woolwich Street time exempt $84.59

Parking permits are issued based on available spaces. Monthly fees cover the cost of maintenance, operation and administration of the City’s parking facilities. In addition to monthly fees, the City charges administrative and initiation fees, replacement fees for lost passes or cards

Permit administration fees

Fee 2023 (tax included)
Permit initial fee $44.48
Permit administration fee $63.54
Permit replacement $44.48

For more information

ServiceGuelph 519-822-1260 [email protected]