A short history of Guelph and Dolime Quarry

It’s taken many years to find a viable solution that makes sense for all parties, including the City of Guelph, Guelph-Eramosa Township and the quarry owners



  • City starts investigating local water quality following the introduction of Ontario’s Safe Water Drinking Act


  • City advises regulators of concerns with Dolime Quarry operations and their potential impact on groundwater quality


  • City staff discover that quarrying has reached the aquitard—the dense layer of rock that protects our drinking water


  • City experts, River Valley Developments (Dolime Quarry owners) and provincial regulators establish a technical working group to explore concerns related to water quality and quantity


  • City requests leave to appeal the Dolime Quarry’s water-taking permit based on water quality and quantity concerns


  • City’s leave to appeal is granted and City enters into confidential mediation with the Ministry of the Environment Conservation and Parks and River Valley Developments

2014 to 2018

  • Appeal parties work to find a viable solution to protect Guelph’s drinking water


  • A solution that addresses the interests of all parties emerges


  • City launches campaign to share proposed solution to protect drinking water with the community


  • February: City shares summary of community engagement
  • March: Council directs staff to pursue the proposed solution
  • April: Staff begin negotiating agreements for implementing the proposed solution with the owners of the Dolime Quarry
  • November: City and River Valley Developments (quarry owners) sign agreement for implementing the approved plan


  • April: City staff and owner of the Dolime Quarry reach an agreement to implement the Council-approved plan
  • June: County of Wellington and Guelph-Eramosa Township approve support for proposed adjustment to include quarry lands in Guelph’s municipal boundary
  • July: Guelph City Council approves submission of requests for proposed boundary adjustment and Minister’s Zoning Order to the Province
  • September: City and quarry owner sign agreement committing to a public planning process to determine specific residential uses for the quarry lands; City initiates environmental assessment that includes testing program to determine the need for and design of an on-site water management system at the quarry
  • December: Province approves City requested boundary adjustment and Minister’s Zoning Order