Our Community, Our Water

Our community, our water. Quarry site revitalization

A solution for Dolime Quarry and City of Guelph

The City of Guelph and the owners of the Dolime Quarry reached a potential solution to address the City’s concerns about how operations at the quarry could affect Guelph’s drinking water. In March 2020, after hearing feedback from the community, City Council directed staff to pursue the solution. The City is now working to implement the approved plan that will address Guelph’s long-term water needs and lead to a more compatible land use in an urban setting.

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The approved plan at a glance

Close the Dolime Quarry and bring the site, currently in Guelph-Eramosa Township, into the City of Guelph’s municipal boundary
Give the City control of the quarry’s water supply and build an on-site water management system
Create a new mixed-use residential neighbourhood that people can call home

Community Feedback

Whether to pursue the proposed solution was an important City Council decision. City Council and City staff shared this proposal with our community before Council made its decision. Our Community, Our Water included in-person and online opportunities for our community to learn more about the proposed solution to revitalize the Dolime Quarry site and protect our drinking water. A report summarizing your feedback was shared with the community and Council in February 2020.

Next steps

City staff and the owner of the Dolime Quarry reached an agreement to implement the Council-approved plan in early 2021. In December 2021, the Province of Ontario approved moving Guelph’s boundary to include the quarry lands, and a Minister’s Zoning Order to allow future residential development on the property.

The City and quarry owner have signed an agreement that publicly commits to a thorough public planning process, similar to a secondary plan, to determine the specific residential uses that are appropriate on the property. Land use studies and planning for the residential development are expected to begin in 2022.

The City’s Southwest Guelph Water Supply Environmental Assessment includes a testing program to monitor water quality and quantity at the Dolime Quarry. Results from the testing program will be used inform the need for, and design and function of a water management system to protect Guelph’s drinking water for the long-term. The testing program will determine how much additional water supply is available to meet Guelph’s growing needs and the environmental impacts of using groundwater resources historically used in quarry operations.