Project status health indicators

Health indicators provide a visual representation of the status of a project in respect to the project baseline or plan being tracked. At a quick glance, the health indicator can let you know if a project is on track or at risk. The health indicators are applied to scope, schedule, and cost baselines.

Health indicators

Pictogram Description
green scope iconWithin scope
green schedule iconOn schedule
green budget iconWithin budget
  • Scope: Project is progressing to deliver approved original scope.
  • Schedule: Project is progressing according to the approved original schedule.
  • Budget: Cost spending is progressing according to the approved original budget and plan.
grey scope iconUnder review
green schedule iconUnder review
green budget iconUnder review
  • Project on hold. Provide notes explaining reasons.
yellow scope iconRisk of not meeting scope
yellow schedule iconRisk of not meeting schedule
yellow budget iconRisk of exceeding budget
  • Scope: Status is deviated from the approved scope and requires revisions to meet original deliverables.
  • Schedule: Status is deviated from the approved schedule within amber tolerance as identified in the Project Management Plan (PMP).
  • Budget: Status is deviated from the approved budget within amber tolerance of estimated budget as identified in the PMP.
red scope iconNot meeting scope
red schedule iconBehind schedule
red budget iconOver budget
  • Scope: Status is significantly deviated from the approved scope. Initial scope is unlikely achieved, requiring Steering Committee support or approval to revise the plan.
  • Schedule: Status is significantly deviated from the approved schedule. Initial schedule is unlikely achieved, requiring Steering Committee support or approval to revise the plan.
  • Budget: Status is significantly deviated from the approved original budget. Delivery within approved budget is unlikely achieved, requiring Steering Committee support or approval to revise the plan.
green scope iconWithin revised scope
green schedule iconOn revised schedule
green budget iconWithin revised budget
For cases when baseline revisions are a result of scope changes.

  • Scope: Project is progressing to deliver approved revised scope.
  • Schedule: Project is progressing according to the approved revised schedule.
  • Budget: Cost spending is progressing according to the approved revised budget and plan.
yellow scope iconWithin revised scope
yellow schedule iconOn revised schedule
yellow budget iconWithin revised budget
  • For cases when baseline revisions are a result of project implementation challenges.
  • Scope: Project is progressing to deliver approved revised scope.
  • Schedule: Project is progressing according to the approved revised schedule.
  • Budget: Cost spending is progressing according to the approved revised budget and plan.
yellow scope iconRisk of not meeting revised scope
yellow schedule iconRisk of not meeting revised schedule
yellow budget iconRisk of exceeding revised budget
  • Scope: Status is deviated from the approved scope and requires revisions to meet revised deliverables.
  • Schedule: Status is deviated from the approved revised schedule within amber tolerance as identified in the PMP.
  • Budget: Status is deviated from the approved revised budget within amber tolerance as identified in the PMP.
red scope iconNot meeting revised scope
red schedule iconBehind revised schedule
red budget iconOver revised budget
  • Scope: Status is significantly deviated from the approved revised scope. Revised scope is unlikely achieved, requiring Steering Committee support or approval to further revise the plan.
  • Schedule: Status is significantly deviated from the approved revised schedule. Revised schedule is unlikely achieved, requiring Steering Committee support or approval to further revise the plan.
  • Budget: Status is significantly deviated from the approved revised budget. Delivery within approved budget is unlikely achieved, requiring Steering Committee support or approval to further revise the plan.