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If your property is larger than 0.2 hectares (0.5 acres), you do need a permit to destroy or injure (damage) or remove any tree measuring at least 10 centimetres in diameter measured at 1.4 metres above the ground.
Please refer to Guelph’s Private Tree Protection Bylaw for a list of exceptions including; dead or dying trees, trees posing danger to life or property or trees impacted by unforeseen causes or natural events.
Report a tree bylaw violation
Report a violation online or call 519-837-2529
Apply for a tree injury or removal permit
[email protected]
Guidelines for tree protection, planting and maintenance
Request permission to plant, trim or remove a tree on City property
[email protected]
Heritage trees and permits
You need a permit to remove any tree or trees identified as a heritage attribute of a property or heritage conservation district designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act.
In Guelph’s Brooklyn and College Hill Heritage Conservation District, you need a heritage permit to remove any tree in a front or side yard measuring at least 20 centimetres in diameter.