Building and landscaping in former termite management areas

The Ontario Building Code (OBC) has specifications for construction of new buildings, porches, and decks that pertain to termite infested areas. Although termites have been substantially controlled in Guelph, and there is no known ongoing activity in the City, we recommend implementing the OBC termite requirements for construction projects in the former termite management areas. Please refer to the code for more information.

Decks and porches in former termite management areas

Retaining walls in former termite management areas

  • Use something other than wood for all retaining walls

Storing wood and lumber in former termite management areas

  • Raise and stack firewood and lumber off the ground
  • Consider using a using a metal rack, concrete pad, or patio stones
  • Place the wood in the sun away from the house

Sheds in former termite management areas

  • Raise wood sheds off the ground
  • Do not use a wooden floor for a shed

Fences in former termite management areas

  • Use something other than wood for fence posts
  • Consider metal, vinyl or bamboo fences instead of wood
  • For wood fences, use pressure-treated posts supported on metal post brackets
  • For best results, set brackets in concrete

Trees and mulch in former termite management area

Termites feed on wood, not bark, and they tend to prefer soft woods (pine or spruce) and faster growing hardwoods (aspen). However, they will feed on virtually every type of wood.

Bark mulch is recommended for termite zones, and it tends to form a stronger barrier against weeds and retain water more effectively.

Live trees are usually not infested, but dead trees or a heavily infested live tree should be cut down, the stump excavated or chipped, and the chippings removed.

Removing wood and soil from former termite management areas

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