Open house for Ward West Heritage Conservation District Study

Help shape a potential heritage conservation district in the Ward neighbourhood.

February 4, 2025 – You’re invited to an open house for the Ward West Heritage Conservation District (HCD) project. Please join us on Thursday, February 20th, 2025, anytime between 4:30 pm and 6:30 pm at the Italian Canadian Club to learn about the study and share your feedback!

The first part of the study evaluated the historical, design and contextual value of the study area; the results indicate that the study area meets the designation requirements as a heritage conservation district under the Ontario Heritage Act.

The project team is now gathering feedback to determine if there is public support for creation of a heritage conservation district in the Ward, what the goals and objectives of this district should be and what an associated district Plan should focus on.

During the open house, members of the project team will be sharing findings at multiple ‘stations’ and will be available to answer your questions and hear your comments.

Date:           Thursday, February 20th
Time:          4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Doors open at 4:30 p.m., drop in at any time to chat with the project team and provide feedback.
Location:    Italian Canadian Club, 135 Ferguson Street, Guelph, Ontario

About the Study

In May 2023, Guelph City Council directed staff to expedite the evaluation of the Ward West Candidate Cultural Heritage Landscape for designation as a heritage conservation district. A heritage district would protect significant heritage buildings and landscapes, guide new development, and ensure that the Ward’s unique character and identity can be enjoyed by future generations!

Join the Conversation Online

Can’t join us in person? We would love to hear from you online. You can share your feedback at ‘Have your Say’.

To learn more about the project and its progress, visit

For more Information

Let us know if you require any accommodations or have any questions by reaching out using the contact details below.

Jack Mallon, Heritage Planner
Planning and Building Services
Infrastructure, Development and Environment
Telephone: 519-822-1260 x 3872
TTY: (519) 826 977
Email: [email protected]