Guelph, Ont., January 27, 2025 – We’re collecting the community’s feedback on the draft Official Plan Amendment (OPA) before the OPA is brought back to City Council this spring (view the official notice).
We recently reached out to the community to learn about what taller buildings in the Downtown area would mean to you. Through those conversations and surveys, we heard that:
- Increasing access to housing is important,
- More people living and working in the Downtown is good for our economy, and
- Protecting Guelph’s heritage and charm is a shared value among much of the community.
We also heard a lot of feedback specifically about how tall buildings should be permitted in specific blocks.
Our team listened and learned from the collective voice of the over 400 people who participated. This feedback was combined with research, best practices and directions from existing plans and legislation to develop the proposed OPA for Guelph.
Find out more about the proposed amendments in detail and let us know what you think online by February 16 at
You can also join us in person at our open house or public meeting
Open house
We’re hosting a statutory public open house where you can learn more about the recommendations and speak with the project team:
Tuesday, February 4
6 to 8 p.m.
Marg MacKinnon Room 1 Carden Street, Guelph
Statutory public meeting
This is a statutory public meeting during a hybrid City Council meeting that can be watched online at or attended in-person:
When: Tuesday, February 11
4 p.m.
Council Chambers 1 Carden Street, Guelph
The agenda and full report will be posted on the Council calendar on January 30. The community is invited to speak or send in comments by 10 a.m. on Friday, February 7.
For more information
Brenna MacKinnon, Project Manager, Policy Planning
Planning and Building Services
519-822-1260 ext. 4153
[email protected]
Stacey Laughlin, Downtown Revitalization Advisor
Economic Development and Tourism
519-822-1260 ext. 2327
[email protected]