City Council approves Public Space Use bylaw

A motion to fund $450,000 in basic needs provisions for the unsheltered also passed

Guelph, Ont., August 29, 2024 – On August 29 at a Special Council meeting, City Council considered and approved the Public Space Use bylaw. Following a staff presentation on the bylaw, Council heard from 43 delegates in addition to 62 pieces of written correspondence. The revised bylaw is expected to be ratified on September 10, after which it will come into effect on October 1, 2024.

One amendment, tabled by Councillor Klassen, was made to the draft bylaw. The revised bylaw that returns to Council on September 10 will now include the entirety of both St. George’s Square and Market Square as Sensitive Public Areas.

“This highly permissive bylaw is not a ban on encampments, in fact it will make clear where individuals can safely, and permanently set up shelter if and when needed,” said Cam Guthrie, mayor, City of Guelph. “We’re aiming to accommodate the needs of affected individuals in our community while continuing to advocate to other levels of government for more and better resources.”

The bylaw is intended to protect Guelph’s people, and the spaces owned or operated by the City. It will help ensure safe use and enjoyment by everyone in the community.

“We know that this bylaw will not solve the highly complex issue of homelessness in our community,” said Colleen-Clack Bush, deputy chief administrative officer, City of Guelph. “What this bylaw will do is provide more clarity on what city-owned and operated spaces those who may be living and sleeping outdoors can use. We are committed to helping everyone in our community feel safe and secure.”

To support the implementation of the bylaw, an interactive map will be available beginning in advance of October 1 and will show the areas throughout the city where encampments are allowed. The City also intends to meet with the Accessibility Advisory Committee in October to gain feedback on how best to implement the bylaw when considering the complex needs of those facing accessibility challenges. Staff is developing a full communications strategy that will support Bylaw staff and our community partners in educating those impacted about safe alternatives.

Additional direction from Council

Council also passed two additional motions linked to the Wellington-Guelph Health and Housing Community Planning Table.

The first additional motion, tabled by Councillor O’Rourke, will allow the City to provide up to $450,000 to the County of Wellington to be dispersed through the Wellington-Guelph Health and Housing Community Planning Table for the provision of basic needs for unsheltered individuals in Guelph. This one-time funding drawn from the Tax Rate Operating Contingency Reserve will support work from September 2024 to December 2025.

The second additional motion, brought forward by Councillor Caton, directs staff to work with the Wellington-Guelph Health and Housing Community Planning Table to develop a plan, including a budget and funding source, to provide and maintain portable washrooms, waste bins and sharps disposal to encampments in Guelph. Staff is directed to report to City Council on this matter in early 2025.

Additional resources

Media contact

Jenn Austin
Strategic Communications Advisor, Strategic Communications and Engagement
City of Guelph
519-822-1260 extension 3869
[email protected]