Gosling Gardens Park trail closures for trail paving and repair

Several trail sections in Gosling Gardens Park to undergo paving and repair in June

Notice date: June 14

About the project

The City is working with 5 Star Paving (Cambridge) Inc. to undertake trail paving and repairs in and around Gosling Gardens Park, located at 75 Gosling Gardens. This work involves grading sloped sections of trail, paving some currently unpaved trail segments and repairing existing paved trail sections.

Construction schedule

This work will take place in two short phases:

Phase one, between Gordon Street and Gosling Gardens

Work on the trail section between Gordon Street and Gosling Gardens is expected to start June 17 and take about one week to complete, weather permitting.

Phase two, within Gosling Gardens Park

Work on the trail section between Gordon Street and Gosling Gardens is expected to start June 24 and take about two weeks to complete, weather permitting.

Trails closed, no pedestrian access

While construction is underway, trail segments undergoing work will be closed. Signs will be posted on-site to indicate the closures, with detour routes identified if applicable. For trail users who travel between Gosling Gardens and Gordon Street, Clairfields Drive West will be the recommended detour route for the duration of that trail section’s closure.

The playground in Gosling Gardens Park will not be impacted by the construction work and will remain open to the public.

Tree removals

Some tree removals will be required to accommodate construction. The nature of the surrounding space and proximity to the trail surface make replanting in the same location difficult. Instead, additional trees will be planted elsewhere along the trail system.

Maps of construction areas

Phase one, between Gordon Street and Gosling Gardens

A map of Gosling Gardens Trail, denoting the location the first phase of trail closures. The trail between Gordon Street and Gosling Gardens is closed. A suggested detour routes travelers to Clairfieds Drive West.


Phase two, within Gosling Gardens Park

A map of Gosling Gardens, noting the closure of the trail within. The playground at the park will not be impacted by the trail closure and will remain open to the public.

The City appreciates your patience, understanding and co-operation during this important construction project. Project details and any updates will be posted on guelph.ca/construction.

For more information

Daniel Waters, Trails Technologist
Sports and Leisure Grounds, Parks
519-822-1260 extension 2010
[email protected]