African folklore through symphony: The Lion and the Mouse

Park Eatery Kinderconcerts are designed to expose toddlers to music

GUELPH, ON January 10, 2024 – This iteration of Park Eatery Kinderconcerts takes young ones to the African Sergenti in the traditional tale of The Lion and the Mouse, presented at River Run Centre on Saturday, February 3 at 9:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., and 11:30 a.m. Park Eatery Kinderconcerts are designed to expose children five years and younger to the magic of music and instruments.

The Lion and the Mouse is an African folklore which tells the story of Enyi, a timid mouse, who accidentally disturbs Aza, the lion. In an act of kindness, the lion allows the mouse to escape, only to have it later save his life in return. The simple story teaches a meaningful lesson, set to a musical score inspired by the music of Clara Schumann and Fanny Mendelssohn.

Members of Guelph Symphony Orchestra bring the symphony to life through engaging and interactive performances, encouraging young children to experience the sounds of the instruments. Presented in the Studio Theatre, children are invited to sit close to the musicians for an immersive sound experience.

The performances are narrated by Guelph Symphony Orchestra’s pre-concert presenter and nationally recognized pedagogue, Joe Ringhofer. In demand as an education innovator, Ringhofer has been involved with River Run Centre’s Kinderconcerts series for many years, animating the tales with engaging storytelling. He sees this series as an opportunity for young children to see that “music is real” and not just something from a digital device.

This show is the second of three in the Park Eatery Kinderconcerts series, with Guelph Symphony Orchestra returning on March 23 for The Sword in the Violin Case. This series is curated for River Run Centre’s youngest audience as part of the 2023/24 RESOUNDING Series, sponsored by Richardson Wealth, and designed to deliver a broad range of entertainment – something for everyone in our community.

Tickets to The Lion and the Mouse are $15 for adults, $13 for patrons over 60 or under 30 years old, and $11 for children 14 and under, including infants. For more information or to purchase, please call River Run Centre’s Box Office at 519-763-3000, visit 35 Woolwich Street in Guelph, or get details online at

For Information

Kasia Rusiniak | Program Manager, Development and Marketing
River Run Centre | City of Guelph
519-837-5662 extension 2589
[email protected]