Notice of study commencement: Macdonell and Allan Structures Municipal Class Environmental Assessment

The study

The Macdonell Bridge (Structure No. 112), located on Macdonnel Street over the Speed River, and known to many community members as Allan’s Bridge, is a main route for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists travelling to Downtown Guelph. Constructed in 1963 and rehabilitated in 1988, recent inspections of the Macdonell Bridge identified the need to repair or replace the structure. Rehabilitations, improvements and modifications to the Allans Dam Bridge (Structure 131) and Allans Dam (Structure No. 320), located at the Speed River immediately south of the Macdonell Bridge are also required.

In response, and as part of the broader Downtown Infrastructure Revitalization Program, the City of Guelph has initiated a Municipal Class EA (Class EA) for improvements and modifications to the Macdonell and Allan structures. The study will consider options for the Macdonell Street Bridge area as a whole, including all three structures, as well as the intersections of Macdonell Street/Woolwich Street and Macdonell Street/Arthur Street North/Elizabeth Street. The location and approximate extent of the study area are shown on the map.

Study area is a rectangle over Macdonell Street and covers part of Woolwich Street, Rose Street and Arthur Street South

The process

The purpose of the study is to:

  • Address the structural deficiencies of the deteriorating infrastructure identified by structural inspections.
  • Address the hydraulic capacity requirements of the structures.
  • Enhance road safety, operations and connectivity for vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists and transit to support the community building goals of the City.
  • Improve the intersection geometrics and operations in order to enhance traffic operations and safety for all users at the Wellington / Woolwich / Macdonell intersection.

The project is being completed as a Schedule “C” project in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (October 2000, amended in 2007, 2011 and 2015). In developing the recommendations, the study will consider technical, aesthetic and structural requirements, as well as socio-economic, cultural heritage and natural environment factors.

Public comments

Public and technical agency consultation will be fundamental in developing the study recommendations. Two virtual public open houses will be held during the study to share information and receive input from the public. Details, including the date, time, and how to participate in each virtual public open house, will be announced in a subsequent notice and posted on the project webpage at

For more information

For any questions or comments, or to be added to the study mailing list, please contact:

Steven Di Pietro, Project Engineer
Engineering and Transportation Services
City of Guelph
519-822-1260 extension 2348
[email protected]
Andrew McGregor, Senior Planner
Environmental Assessment and Approvals
R.V. Anderson Associates Limited
905-685-5049 extension 4211
[email protected]

This notice is issued August 12, 2021.

Information collected will be used in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.