2016 Council/Committee meetings

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September 6, Committee of the Whole

Corporate Services

Consent agenda

  1. COW-CS-2016.1   2016 Q2 Operating Variance Report
  2. COW-CS-2016.2   2016 Q2 Capital Variance Report

Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise Services

Consent agenda

  1. COW-IDE-2016.1    Outstanding Motions of Committee of the Whole (Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise)
  2. COW-IDE-2016.2    Site Alteration By-law (2007-18420) Update
  3. COW-IDE-2016.3    Guelph Heritage Action Plan Project Charter
  4. COW-IDE-2016.4    Sign By-law Variance for 175 Stone Road West

Items for discussion

  1. COW-IDE-2016.5    Downey Road Transportation Improvement Study
  2. COW-IDE-2016.6    Stormwater Fees or Charges By-law and Sustainable Funding Strategy
  3. COW-IDE-2016.7   2016 Water Efficiency Strategy Update
  4. COW-IDE-2016.8    Frozen Water Services Response Update – Substandard Water Service Replacement Grant and Linear Infrastructure Vulnerability Assessment


Consent agenda

  1. COW-GOV-2016.1    Committee of the Whole and Council Terms of Reference

Items for Discussion

  1. COW-GOV-2016.2    Municipal Election Modernization, Service Expansion and Ranked Ballot Election

September 12, Council Planning


  1. 2017 Budget – Council Toolkit (new item added on addendum)

Consent agenda

  1. CON-2016.50   Food Vehicles: Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment (ZC16-10 – City Wide)
  2. CON-2016.52   Request for an Extension of Draft Plan Approval: Victoria Park Village (23T-07596 – Ward 6)
  3. CON-2016.53   Proposed Demolition of 125 Grange Street (Ward 1)

Items for discussion

  1. CON-2016.51   Request for an Extension of Draft Plan Approval: Hanlon Creek (23T-03501 – Ward 6)

Statutory meetings held under the Planning Act

  1. Proposed Downtown Zoning By-law Amendment (ZC16-12 – Downtown)

Notice of motion

  1. Notice of Motion from Councillor Gordon

September 26, City Council

Closed meeting

  1. GMHI-C-2016.1 Appointment of Board Member
  2. GMHI-C-2016.2 Release of information on Transaction Committee
  3. C-2016.55 Closed reeting requirements- Solicitor/Client Privilege

Open meeting


  1. United Way campaign – Suzanne Holder, Project Coordinator, Office of the CAO (new presentation)

Committee of the Whole consent reports

See September 6 Committee of the Whole Agenda for full report. Amendments to Reports marked with an asterisk (*) and can be viewed in the Council agenda.

  1. COW-IDE-2016.1 Outstanding Motions of the Infrastructure Development and Enterprise Committee
  2. COW-IDE-2016.2 Site Alternation By-law (2007-18420) Update
  3. COW-IDE-2016.3 Guelph Heritage Action Plan Project Charter*
  4. COW-IDE-2016.4 Sign-By-law Variance for 175 Stone Road West*
  5. COW-IDE-2015.5 Downey Road Transportation Improvement Study* (new delegation)
  6. COW-IDE-2016.6 Stormwater Fees or Charges By-law and Sustainable Funding Strategy*
  7. COW-IDE-2016.7 2016 Water Efficiency Strategy Update
  8. COW-IDE-2016.8 Frozen Water Services Response Update – Substandard Water Service Replacement Grant and Linear Infrastructure Vulnerability Assessment
  9. COW-GOV-2016.1 Committee of the Whole and Council Terms of Reference
  10. COW-GOV-2016.2 Municipal Election Modernization, Service Expansion and Ranked Ballot Election

Council consent agenda

  1. CON-2016.55  Heritage Review Application regarding demolition of the brick stable/garage building at 457 Woolwich Street and proposed removal from the Municipal Register of Cultural Heritage Properties

Items for discussion

  1. CON-2016.56  Medium-Term Corporate Administrative Plan(new presentation and delegation)
  2. CON-2016.57 S&Ps Global Ratings Credit Rating Review(new presentation)


October 3, Committee of the Whole


  1. Trees for Guelph – James Taylor
  2. Libraries Matter – Steve Kraft, Library CEO

Corporate Services

Consent agenda

  1. COW-CS-2016.3 Advertising Acceptability Policy

Items for discussion

  1. COW-CS-2016.4 Business/Service Review Framework
  2. COW-CS-2016.5 Annual Update – Project Management Office and Deloitte Capital Risk Assessment Recommendations

Public Services

Consent agenda

  1. COW-PS-2016.1 Optimal Resource Deployment of Emergency Services
  2. COW-PS-2016.2 Land Ambulance Response Time Performance Plan for 2017
  3. COW-PS-2016.3 Taxi, Limousine and Second Hand Goods Licensing (Transfer from Guelph Police Service)

October 7, Committee of the Whole Agenda


  1. Follow-up on Living Wage Campaign and 20,000 Homes Initiative – Randalin Ellery, Guelph and Wellington Task Force for Poverty Elimination (to be provided)


Consent agenda

  1. COW-GOV-2016.3 2017 Council and Committee Meeting Schedule
  2. COW-GOV-2016.4 Chief Administrative Officer Employment Contract

Items for discussion

  1. COW-GOV-2016.5 Proposed Framework for an Affordable Housing Financial Incentives Program

Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise

Consent agenda

  1. COW-IDE-2016.10 Commercial Policy Review:  Terms of Reference
  2. COW-IDE-2016.11 Downtown Parking Items:  Conclusion of Essex Street One Year Pilot and Updated Downtown On-Street Temporary Use Policy
  3. COW-IDE-2016.12 Hart Farmhouse, Lot 58 (Hart Village):  Notice of Intention to Designate Pursuant to Section 29, Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act

Items for discussion

  1. COW-IDE-2016.14 115 Dawn Avenue:  Letter of Refusal for Tree Removal as per the City of Guelph Private Tree By-law
  2. COW-IDE-2016.15 Development Engineering Manual
  3. COW-IDE-2016.16 Subdivision Construction – Process Change

Corporate Services

Consent agenda

  1. COW-CS-2016.6 Reserve and Reserve Fund Consolidation and Policy
  2. COW-CS-2016.7 Business/Service Review Framework Implementation

October 13, Committee of Adjustment

Request for deferral, withdrawal, or refund

  1. A-69/16 – 30 Forest Street
  2. B-22/16 – 320 Eastview Road
  3. A-80/16 – 320 Eastview Road

Current applications

  1. A-51/16 – 381 Edinburgh Road South
  2. A-68/16 – 86 Norfolk Street
  3. A-70/16 – 119 Norma Crescent
  4. A-71/16 – 11 Cityview Drive
  5. A-63/16 – 21 Halesmanor Court
  6. A-57/16 – 17 Sultan Street
  7. A-78/16 – 87 Mary Street
  8. A-79/16 – 3 Forest Street

October 17, Council Planning

Consent agenda

  1. CON-2016.60  Public Meeting Re: Proposed Ward 5/6 Boundary Adjustment

Statutory meetings held under the Planning Act

  1. City-initiated Official Plan Amendment (OP1603) Proposed revision to the Downtown Zoning By-law Amendment (ZC1612) as it pertains to 75 Dublin Street North

Items for discussion


October 24, City Council

Committee of the Whole consent reports

See October 3 Committee of the Whole agenda for full report.

  1. COW-CS-2016.3 Advertising Acceptability Policy
  2. COW-CS-2016.4 Business/Service Review Framework
  3. COW-PS-2016.1 Optimal Resource Deployment of Emergency Services
  4. COW-PS-2016.2 Land Ambulance Response Time Performance Plan for 2017
  5. COW-PS-2016.3 Taxi, Limousine and Second Hand Goods Licensing (Transfer from Guelph Police Services
  6. COW-PS-2016.4 Business Licensing By-law Review – Food Vehicle Schedule and Temporary Food Sales
  7. COW-IDE-2016.9 Municipal Support for Local Renewable Energy Projects: Independent System Operator Feed-In-Tariff 5.0

Council consent agenda

  1. CON-2016.57 Woodside Road – Proposed Permanent Closure of an Unused Portion of Woodside Road
  2. CON-2016.58 Proposed Demolition of 156 Niska Road, Ward 6
  3. CON-2016.56 Public Transit Infrastructure Fund Update

Items for discussion

  1. CON-2016.60 2016 Provincial Co-ordinated Land Use Planning Review Comments on the Proposed Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe
  1. Haiti Emergency Fund (Memo)

October 25, City Council

Closed meeting

  1. C-COW-2016.56  Solid Waste Services – Negative Variance

Open meeting

Closed meeting summary

October 24, Council as Shareholder of Guelph Municipal Holdings Inc.


  1. Derrick Thompson, Chief Administrative Officer and CEO of GMHI (new)
  2. Tara Sprigg, General Manager, Corporate Communications and Customer Service (new)

October 26, City Council Budget

2017-Tax Supported Operating and Capital Budgets


2017 Non-Tax Supported Operating and Capital Budgets


Representative from the Grand River Conservation Authority

Staff Report

CS-2016-68 2017 Non-Tax Supported Operating and Capital Budgets


November 3, City Council

  1. 2017-2026 Tax-supported Capital Budget & Forecast
  2. Dedicated Infrastructure Renewal Levy
  3. Infrastructure Environment and Funding Options

November 7, Special Committee of the Whole

Infrastructure, Development and Enterprise

Items for discussion

  1. COW-IDE-2016.18   Process to Support the City’s Submission to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Regarding Ontario’s Water-Taking Regulations
  2. COW-SA-2016.19   Nestlé Waters Canada – Permit to Take Water Technical Report
  3. Councillor Gordon’s Motion Regarding Permit to Take Water

November 10, Committee of Adjustment

Request for deferral, withdrawal, or refund


Current applications

  1. B-24/16 – 175 Chancellors Way
  2. B-22/16 – 320 & 322 Eastview Road
  3. A-80/16 – 320 Eastview Road
  4. A-81/16 – 26 Clarke Street East
  5. B-23/16 – 180 & 182 Elizabeth Street 
  6. A-82/16 – 180 Elizabeth Street
  7. A-83/16 – 182 Elizabeth Street
  8. A-84/16 – 199 Elizabeth Street
  9. A-85/16 – 89 Dawson Road
  10. A-86/16 – 26 Glenwood Avenue
  11. A-87/16 – 231 Woolwich Street
  12. A-88/16 – 46 Queen Street
  13. A-89/16 – 16 Oriole Crescent 
  14. A-90/16 – 190 Eastview Road
  15. A-69/16 – 30 Forest Street

November 14, Council Planning

Statutory public meetings

  1. 19-59 Lowes Road West – Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment (File: ZC1615 – Ward 6)
  2. Proposed Technical Revisions to Guelph’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law (File: ZC1616 – Citywide)

Items for discussion

  1. Association of Municipalities of Ontario re: Municipal Fiscal Gap

November 16, City Council Budget

2017 Local Boards and Shared Services Budgets


  1. Guelph Public Library
  2. Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health
  3. Downtown Guelph Business Association
  4. Guelph Police Services
  5. The Elliot Community

November 8, City Council

Committee of the Whole consent reports

See November 7 Committee of the Whole agenda for full reports.

  1. Living Wage Campaign
  2. 20,000 Homes Initiative
  3. COW-GOV-2016.1 2016-2018 Public Appointments to Advisory Boards and Committees
  4. COW-GOV-2016.3 2017 Council and Committee Meeting Schedule
  5. COW-GOV-2016.4 Chief Administrative Officer Employment Contract
  6. COW-GOV-2016.5 Proposed Framework for an Affordable Housing Financial Incentives Program
  7. Private Members Bill (46)
  8. COW-IDE-2016.11 Downtown Parking Items: Conclusion of Essex Street One Year Pilot and Updated Downtown On-street Temporary Use Policy
  9. COW-IDE-2016.4 Business Licensing By-law Review – Food Vehicle Schedule and Temporary Food Sales
  10. COW-IDE-2016.14 115 Dawn Avenue: Letter of Refusal for Tree Removal as per the City of Guelph Private Tree By-law
  11. COW-IDE-2016.15 Development Engineering Manual
  12. COW-IDE-2016.16 Subdivision Construction – Process Change
  13. COW-CS-2016.6 Reserve and Reserve Fund Consolidation and Policy

Council consent agenda

  1. CON-2016.62 City of Guelph’s Submission to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Regarding Ontario’s Water-Taking Regulations

Items for discussion

  1. CON-2016.63 City-initiated Official Plan Amendment (OP1603) – Proposed revision to the Downtown Zoning By-law Amendment (ZC1612) as it pertains to 75 Dublin Street North

Notice of motion

Notice of motion provided by Mayor Guthrie


December 8, Committee of Adjustment

Request for deferral, withdrawal, or refund


Current applications 

  1. B-25/16 – 68 York Road
  2. A-91/16 – 5 Vipond Street
  3. A-92/16 – 45 DeShane Street
  4. A-93/16 – 36 DeShane Street
  5. A-94/16 – 71 Norma Crescent
  6. A-95/16 – 37 Raglan Street
  7. A-96/16 – 403 Arkell Road
  8. A-97/16 – 46 Teal Drive
  9. A-98/16 – 868 York Road
  10. A-99/16 – 187-191 Paisley Street
  11. A-100/16 – 85 Mullin Drive
  12. A-101/16 – 340 Southgate Drive
  13. B-26/16 – 32 University Avenue West

December 12, Council Planning

Council consent agenda

  1. 108 and 110 Nottingham Street Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment File: ZC1611 – Ward 5
  2. 389 Speedvale Avenue West Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment File: ZC1603 – Ward 4

Statutory public meetings

  1. 1 & 15 Stevenson Street North and 8 William Street Proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment and Draft Plan of Vacant Land Condominium (ZC1613 and CDM1609)

Items for discussion

  1. 200 Beverly Street – IMICO – Memorandum of Understanding
  2. City of Guelph Response to the Provincial Review of the Ontario Municipal Board

December 19, City Council

Closed meeting

  1. Confirmation of Minutes for closed Council meetings held November 28 and 30, 2016
  2. C-2016.58 Lowes Road/Dawn Avenue Local Improvement Charge

Open meeting

Committee of the Whole consent reports

Reports that have been amended are marked with an * and can be viewed in the Council agenda

  1. COW-AUD-2016.2 Internal Audit Work Plan 2017-2019
  2. COW-CS-2016.9 Outstanding Motions of the Corporate Services Area
  3. COW-CS-2016.10 City of Guelph Tartan Inventory
  4. Marketing Strategy for a Civic Tech Hub/Cluster*
  5. COW-PS-2016.5 By-law Service Review – Animal Control*

Council consent agenda

  1. CON-2016.68 Council Reappointments to the Business Licence Appeals Committee and the Committee of Management for the Elliott
  2. CON-2016.69 Guelph Innovation District Implementation Update
  3. CON-2016.70 Social Services Committee Update