Crossing guards

The City of Guelph values a commitment to integrity, excellence and wellness. Keeping children safe is a priority for the City. School crossing guards are a vital part of our community and as city employees strive to provide high-qualityservice.

Crossing guards are present during school arrival and dismissal times to assist students and pedestrians in crossing the street.

Be aware, be patient, be courteous. Keep our pedestrians safe.

Attention motorists

  • Slow down when approaching a school crossing zone or an intersection near a school.
  • Please obey the school crossing guard. Pedestrians always have the right of way when crossing lawfully.
  • Make eye contact with the guard or pedestrian.
  • If the school crossing guard has their STOP sign raised, indicating their intention to enter the roadway, drivers must STOP.
  • Drivers must remain stopped until all pedestrians including the crossing guard are safely on the sidewalk.
  • Drivers failing to stop for the crossing guard may be fined up to $500 under provincial legislation

Attention pedestrians


For your safety, follow these tips when crossing roads:

  • Please obey crossing guards when present
  • Make eye contact with drivers before crossing
  • Get off of bikes, skateboards and scooters before crossing
  • Never stop in the middle of an intersection; stopping may confuse waiting drivers
  • Always yield to emergency vehicles; if you’ve already started crossing, clear the road quickly and safely
  • At crossings with signals:
    • Only cross when the pedestrian walk signal is displayed
    • Never start crossing when the don’t walk signal is flashing; this signal means you don’t have enough time to cross safely

Your crossing guard’s safety is in your hands

Adult school crossing guards must stay in the road until everyone is safely on the sidewalk. When you start crossing after the don’t walk signal starts, you put your adult school crossing guard at risk if the light changes before they can safely exit the intersection.

Keep your crossing guard safe: always obey walk signals.

Adult crossing guard locations and times
Guard shifts – start and end times (co-ordinated times)

Location Flashing paddle (F/P) Existing traffic control Leading Pedestrian Intervals (LPI) Morning start time Morning end time Afternoon start time Afternoon end time
001 Paisley Road at Alma Street North n/a Traffic Signal LPI 8:15 a.m. 8:55 a.m. 3:10 p.m. 3:35 p.m.
002 Imperial Road South at Stephanie Drive n/a Traffic Signal LPI 8:10 a.m. 8:40 a.m. 2:55 p.m. 3:10 p.m.
003 Scottsdale Drive at Ironwood Road n/a Traffic Signal n/a 8:10 a.m. 8:40 a.m. 3:05 p.m. 3:40 p.m.
004 Paisley Road at Silvercreek Parkway North n/a Traffic Signal n/a 8:20 a.m. 8:40 a.m. 3:20 p.m. 3:45 p.m.
005 Willow Road at Westwood Road n/a Traffic Signal LPI 8:20 a.m. 8:50 a.m. 3:05 p.m. 3:40 p.m.
006 Elmira Road North at Willow Road n/a Traffic Signal n/a 8:25 a.m. 8:55 a.m. 3:10 p.m. 3:30 p.m.
007 Dublin Street North at Cork Street F/P No Control n/a 8:20 a.m. 8:50 a.m. 3:05 p.m. 3:20 p.m.
008 Edinburgh Road South at Ironwood Road and Youngman Drive n/a Traffic Signal LPI 8:10 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:25 p.m.
009 Victoria Road North at St. Patrick Catholic Elementary School n/a IPS n/a 8:15 a.m. 8:40 a.m. 3:10 p.m. 3:30 p.m.
010 Stevenson Street North at Balsam Drive n/a IPS n/a 8:15 a.m. 8:40 a.m. 2:50 p.m. 3:05 p.m.
011 Stevenson Street North at Speedvale Avenue East n/a Traffic Signal n/a 8:10 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 2:50 p.m. 3:40 p.m.
012 Grange Road at Auden Road F/P PXO L-2 n/a 8:20 a.m. 8:50 a.m. 3:25 p.m. 3:45 p.m.
013 Stevenson Street North at Emma Street n/a IPS n/a 8:20 a.m. 8:50 a.m. 3:05 p.m. 3:30 p.m.
014 Victoria Road North at Eastview Road n/a Traffic Signal n/a 8:25 a.m. 8:50 a.m. 3:20 p.m. 3:40 p.m.
015 Metcalfe Street at Emma Street F/P All way Stop n/a 8:10 a.m. 8:25 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m.
015 Metcalfe Street at Emma Street (b) F/P All way Stop n/a 8:25 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 3:30 p.m. 3:35 p.m.
016 Victoria Road North at Woodlawn Road East n/a Traffic Signal n/a 8:20 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 3:05 p.m. 3:30 p.m.
017 Summerfield Drive at Colonial Drive F/P Round-a-bout n/a 8:15 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:25 p.m.
018 Victoria Road North at St. John Catholic Elementary School n/a  Traffic Signal n/a 8:30 a.m. 8:50 a.m. 3:20 p.m. 3:50 p.m.
019 Eramosa Road at Metcalfe Street n/a  Traffic Signal LPI 8:00 a.m. 8:35 a.m. 2:50 p.m. 3:10 p.m.
020 Willow Road at Bonar Place n/a IPS n/a 8:25 a.m. 8:55 a.m. 3:05 p.m. 3:25 p.m.
021 Stephanie Drive at Rochelle Drive F/P No Control n/a 8:10 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 2:50 p.m. 3:30 p.m.
022 Metcalfe Street at Lemon Street F/P All way Stop n/a 8:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 2:45 p.m. 3:05 p.m.
023 Colonial Drive at Sir Isaac Brock Public School F/P PXO L-1 n/a 8:20 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 2:55 p.m. 3:15 p.m.
024 Grange Road at Kearney Street F/P PXO L-2 n/a 8:20 a.m. 8:40 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:20 p.m.
025 Watson Parkway North at Grange Road n/a Traffic Signal n/a 8:00 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:40 p.m.
026 Woodlawn Road East at Inverness Drive n/a Traffic Signal LPI 8:10 a.m. 8:40 a.m. 3:10 p.m. 3:35 p.m.
027 Starwood Drive at Lee Street F/P PXO L-2 n/a 8:15 a.m. 8:40 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 3:25 p.m.
028 Hall Avenue at Goodwin Drive F/P Round-a-bout n/a 8:10 a.m. 8:35 a.m. 2:45 p.m. 3:00 p.m.
029 Delhi Street at Eramosa Road n/a  Traffic Signal n/a 7:55 a.m. 8:25 a.m. 2:55 p.m. 3:25 p.m.
030 Waverley Drive at Windsor Street F/P All way Stop n/a 8:20 a.m. 8:40 a.m. 3:05 p.m. 3:25 p.m.
031 Zaduk Place at McCann Street F/P No Control n/a 8:10 a.m. 8:25 a.m. 2:40 p.m. 2:55 p.m.
032 Eastview Road at Severn Drive F/P No Control n/a 8:35 a.m. 8:55 a.m. 3:25 p.m. 3:45 p.m.
033 Lane Street near Ryan Avenue F/P PXO L-1 n/a 8:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 2:45 p.m. 3:10 p.m.
034 Brentwood Drive at Nicklin Crescent/Road F/P No Control/ Stop sign n/a 8:20 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 3:10 p.m. 3:30 p.m.
035 Colonial Drive at St. Ignatius CS F/P PXO L-1 n/a 8:15 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 3:05 p.m. 3:25 p.m.

If you notice that the school crossing guard is not present at their location during one of their shifts, please contact Christine Vettor, Supervisor, Adult School Crossing Guards at 519-822-1260 extension 2040. Leave the date, time and location where the guard was not present.

Thank a crossing guard

Adult school crossing guards are a vital part of our community. They are dedicated, friendly, consistent, and dependable. They help keep our children safe during the school year, under the sun, in the rain, and even on chilly winter days.

This June, take the time to thank the crossing guards for their service to our community. Use one of these downloadable thank you cards to help say thank you in a fun and creative way.

Download the thank you cards, below.

Thank you cards (English)

Thank you cards (French)

What should I do if I see a motorist disobey the school crossing guard?

The City of Guelph works closely with the Guelph Police Service and the individual schools to ensure that pedestrians are able to cross city streets safely with the assistance of a school crossing guard.

If you notice a motorist disobeying a school crossing guard (i.e. proceeding through the crossing when the guard had the stop sign raised, or running a red signal), try and record the following information:

  1. vehicle license plate number
  2. make, model and colour of the vehicle
  3. description of the driver

Please report driver concerns directly to Guelph Police Services using CopLogic on the Guelph Police website.

Scroll down to – Filing a Report Online and select REPORT ONLINE to begin. It takes about 3 minutes to complete the report.
See a copy of their page listed below.

To file an online report, you'll need: your email address and contact information, the incident address, and a drivers licence, ownership, and insurance information (if applicable). Following this text is a 'report online' button. Once you’ve submitted your report, you will receive a temporary reference number. We will try to have your submission reviewed by an officer within 72 hours. When we’ve assigned an officer to review your report, we’ll send you an official occurrence number.


Inclement weather

The City of Guelph administers the adult school crossing guard program. We will endeavour to provide a safe, reliable service to all elementary children attending schools in the areas where established sites are currently listed. However, in extreme weather conditions, the likelihood of a decreased level of service to a point where the city no longer feels it can be provided at adequate levels of safety or reliability is very high.

We value our city guard staff and have a policy in place that guards do not work under the following conditions:

  • Temperature colder than -30 Celsius or wind chill below -35
  • Snow amounts in excess of 25 centimetres in one snow event
  • Significant freezing rain
  • Thunderstorms
  • When school buses are cancelled for our city