Tree bylaws and permits

If your property is smaller than 0.2 hectares (0.5 acres) you don’t need a permit to remove a tree.

If your property is larger than 0.2 hectares, you do need a permit to destroy or injure any tree measuring at least 10 centimetres in diameter at 1.4 metres above the ground.

Please refer to Guelph’s Tree Bylaw for a list of exceptions including; dead or dying trees, trees posing danger to life or property or trees impacted by unforeseen causes or natural events.

Report a tree bylaw violation

Report a violation online or call 519-837-2529

Apply for a tree removal permit

[email protected]

Request permission to plant a tree on City property

[email protected]

Heritage trees and permits

You need a permit to remove any tree or trees identified as a heritage attribute of a property or heritage conservation district designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act.

In Guelph’s Brooklyn and College Hill Heritage Conservation District, you need a heritage permit to remove any tree in a front or side yard measuring at least 20 centimetres in diameter.