On this page
The Engineering Department is responsible for all matters pertaining to traffic operations in Guelph. If you have a concern or would like to report a problem with a roadway or sidewalk not listed please select below.
Wellington County and outside of the City of Guelph
For concerns with traffic signs or signals on roads in Wellington County and outside of the City of Guelph boundaries please contact the Wellington County Roads Division at 519-837-2601 or 1-800-663-0750.
Hanlon Parkway/Highway 6
For concerns with traffic signs or signals along the Hanlon Parkway/Highway 6 North please call MTO INFO at 416-235-4686 or toll-free at 1-800-268-4686. (TTY: 905-704-2426 or 1-866-471-8929)
City of Guelph
If you have any traffic related concerns or wish to report an issue not listed you will require the following information:
- the name of the street
- the name of the nearest cross-street
- Description of Traffic issue