Damaged storm drains and street flooding

Report a storm drain or flooding problem

To report an issue with a blocked or damaged storm drain or flooding:

Storm drain complaints are addressed on a priority basis.

To report a problem storm drain or flooding issue please tell us:

  • name of the street
  • nearest address
  • name of the nearest intersection
  • description of issue

About storm drains

Storm drains are the grates found on the street by the curb. Runoff and rainwater drain into these grates, go through underground tunnels and usually end up in the local water body, such as a river. This water is not treated to remove pollutants before it reaches ponds, creeks and rivers.

Help protect our water

Simple activities such as washing your car with a hose on your driveway or not picking up after your dog can cause harm to aquatic life. Please do your part to stop activities that damage local waterways:

  • Washing cars or household items in your driveway results in soapy water going down storm drains. Detergents in rivers and streams destroy the protective mucous on fish and leave them susceptible to disease.
  • Hazardous wastes such as chemicals, paint chips, oils and cleaners from washing garage floors, driveways, patios and decks can run into storm drains. These toxins can be ingested by animals and other organisms.
  • Nitrates and phosphates from fertilizers can be washed into storm drains when overspray lands on sidewalks and driveways or used before a heavy rainfall. This can cause algal bloom resulting in less light and oxygen in the water and clog fish gills.
  • Oil and other lubricant leaks from cars, motorcycles, lawn mowers and snowblowers can flow into storm drains and collectively result in more oil in waterways than from oil tanker spills!
  • Road salts can raise the salinity of local water bodies. Spring runoff can raise the salinity level in areas to ocean levels. Dissolved salts are difficult and expensive to remove and can be corrosive to pipes.
  • Organic debris like grass clippings, silt and sand from roads can increase the cloudiness of water and even change the course of a river or stream damaging habitats.