Report graffiti
- Use the Report a problem map
- Use the online form, or
- Call 519-837-5626
We will respond within two business days.
If vandalism or graffiti is in progress call Guelph Police at 519-824-1212.
You can report graffiti on public property, like parks, bridges and City buildings.
To report graffiti on a private property (store, parking lot, apartment building, etc.) please contact the property owner.
To report graffiti on public property please tell us:
- name of the street or trail
- nearest address
- nearest intersection or trail access point
- description of the graffiti
We prioritize the removal of hate or offensive graffiti
Hate graffiti is motivated by hate, bias or prejudice, based on race, nationality, ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, or any similar factor.
Offensive graffiti is obscene or offensive in nature such as but not limited to, swear words or sexual drawings.
We will respond to other graffiti or vandalism (writing, painting, etching symbols or tags, etc.) in places like traffic control cabinets, bridges and underpasses, retaining walls, bus shelters and other City property during general maintenance of the asset. Sometimes this means the graffiti is not removed for some time.
Thank you for helping us find and remove all graffiti and vandalism.