Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Guelph intends to designate 330 Woolwich Street as a property of cultural heritage value or interest under section 29, Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.18.
Description of the property
The legal description of Part Lot 43 and 44, Plan 105
Statement of cultural heritage value or interest
The subject property is worthy of designation under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act because it meets four of the nine prescribed criteria for determining cultural heritage value or interest, according to Ontario Regulation 9/06 as amended by Ontario Regulation 9/06. The heritage attributes of 330 Woolwich St display: design/physical, historical/associative, and contextual value.
Design/Physical Value
330 Woolwich Street meets Criterion 1 because the property is a unique example of a Gothic Revival row house building in Guelph, particularly visible in its stylized and embellished pitched gable roofline, wall dormers, bay windows, carved limestone sills and lintels, limestone quoins, and gingerbread bargeboard.
330 Woolwich Street meets Criterion 2 because the artistically carved limestone quoins, sills, lintels, and keystones display a high degree of craftmanship.
Historical/Associative Value
330 Woolwich Street meets Criterion 4 because it is directly associated with the contractor and architect Frederick J. Chubb, a significant late nineteenth century architect and builder, with significant works in Guelph, including the Wellington Hotel.
Contextual Value
330 Woolwich Street meets Criterion 7 because the proximity of the Gothic Revival façade to Woolwich Street is important in defining the character of the area. 330 Woolwich Street meets Criterion 9 because it is an architectural landmark on one of Guelph’s major thoroughfares and streetscapes.
Description of heritage attributes
The following elements of the property at 330 Woolwich Street should be considered as heritage attributes in a designation under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act:
- Location on Woolwich St
- 2 storey building form, including
- Side gabled roof
- Front gabled projecting bays
- Brick and stone walls, including:
- Original red brick exterior walls
- Carved limestone sills and lintels
- Rusticated limestone quoins
- Limestone door surrounds
- Limestone keystones
- Name and Date Stone bearing the text: F.J. CHUBB’S TERRACE 1876.
- Gingerbread bargeboard
- All original window and door openings
It is intended that non-original features may be returned to the documented earlier designs or to their documented original without requiring City Council permission for an alteration to the design.
A more detailed description of the property’s cultural heritage value may be found in staff’s report to City Council dated March 18 2025 and at guelph.ca/heritage.
Notice of objection
Any person may send a notice of objection to this proposed designation, before 4 p.m. on Friday April 25 2025. This notice must be sent by registered mail or delivered to the Clerk of the City of Guelph and must set out the reason for the objection and all relevant facts. If a notice of objection is received, the Council of the City of Guelph shall consider the objection and make a decision whether or not to withdraw the notice of intention to designate the property within 90 days after the end of the 30-day objection period. If Council decides not to withdraw its intention to designate, a heritage designation bylaw must be passed within 120 days after the date of publication of the notice of intention to designate. Council must publish a notice of passing of the designation by-law which is followed by a 30-day appeal period when appeals of the by-law may be given to the Ontario Land Tribunal for a hearing and decision.
Stephen O’Brien, City Clerk
City of Guelph
1 Carden Street, Guelph ON N1H 3A1
For more information
Jack Mallon, Heritage Planner
Planning Services 519-822-1260 x 3872
[email protected].