Notice of intention to designate: 19 Woodycrest Drive

Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Guelph intends to designate 19 Woodycrest Drive as a property of cultural heritage value or interest under section 29, Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.18.

Description of the property

The legal description of 19 Woodycrest Drive is Firstly Part Lots 13 & 14, Plan 429, Part Woodycrest Drive, PLAN 429, Closed by Bylaw #7811 (MS111027) as in ROS388267; Guelph and Secondly Part Lot 21 Con Division A Guelph Township as in ROS388267; Guelph.

Statement of cultural heritage value or interest

The Italianate Villa at 19 Woodycrest Drive is worthy of designation under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act because it meets three of the nine prescribed criteria for determining cultural heritage value or interest, according to Ontario Regulation 9/06 as amended by 569/22. The subject building at 19 Woodycrest Drive has design and physical value, historical and associative value, and contextual value.

Design/Physical Value

The subject property meets Criterion 1 as the house known as “Homewood” is an early and unique example of Italianate/Tuscan villa style, constructed with Guelph’s distinct locally quarried limestone. The subject property meets Criterion 2 through both the quantity and the quality of the heritage attributes, many of which date back to its original construction. Of note on the exterior is the use of locally quarried limestone in the walls, chimneys, and frontispiece as well as the distinctive wooden corbels that support the deep soffits. On the interior, many early or original coloured/stained and beveled glass windows are present throughout the home, with the library in particular exhibiting early and original features. Many rooms still bear original tin ceilings and wood paneling.

Historical/Associative Value

The subject property meets Criterion 4 because of its strong historical association with the Grange, Kingsmill, and Howitt families, all of whom being prominent families in the development of Guelph and Guelph Township. 19 Woodycrest Drive is significant as the childhood home of Sir Charles Kingsmill, Admiral in the British Royal Navy and the inaugural Director of the Naval Service of Canada.

Contextual Value

While the subject property has associations with other areas of local significance such as Howitt Creek and Waterloo Avenue, overall, the original context of the house known has “Homewood” was lost with the subdivision of these lands in the mid-20th century.

Description of heritage attributes

The following elements of the property at 19 Woodycrest Drive should be considered as heritage attributes in a designation under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act:

Exterior Heritage Attributes

  • Form and massing of the existing 2-storey building with 2-storey frontispiece and two, 1-storey wings
  • Location and form of four limestone chimneys; two chimneys have an inset arch
  • Existing hip and gable rooflines
  • Soffits with the appearance of tongue-and-groove wood; form and location of wooden corbels supporting soffit
  • Limestone exterior walls including quoins and cut stone trim above front door on frontispiece; wide arch opening facing east garden; drip mould over upper floor window facing east garden
  • Rendered exterior of upper frontispiece with turned wooden balustrade
  • Location and shape of window and door openings and associated trim work
  • Window sashes, frames, and pane arrangements, as follows:
    • arched, leaded, beveled glass transom window over front door
    • arched, leaded, coloured/stained glass windows on the east side of frontispiece
    • arched, leaded, coloured/stained glass window on upper front of frontispiece
    • coupled, arched windows on upper, east side of frontispiece
    • arched, leaded, coloured/stained glass windows on main floor and second floor on rear (north) wall

Interior Heritage Attributes of Front Hall

  • arched, leaded, beveled glass transom window over front door
  • original wood trim (including window casings, reveals, baseboards)
  • arched, leaded, coloured/stained glass window on east wall
  • newel post, stair handrail and balustrade

It is intended that non-original features may be returned to the documented earlier designs or to their documented original without requiring Council to amend the heritage designation by-law.

A more detailed description of the property’s cultural heritage value may be found in staff’s report to City Council dated March 18, 2025 at

Notice of objection

Any person may send a notice of objection to this proposed designation, before 4 p.m. on Friday, April 25, 2025. This notice must be sent by registered mail or delivered to the Clerk of the City of Guelph and must set out the reason for the objection and all relevant facts. If a notice of objection is received, the Council of the City of Guelph shall consider the objection and make a decision whether or not to withdraw the notice of intention to designate the property within 90 days after the end of the 30-day objection period. If Council decides not to withdraw its intention to designate, a heritage designation bylaw must be passed within 120 days after the date of publication of the notice of intention to designate. Council must publish a notice of passing of the designation by-law which is followed by a 30-day appeal period when appeals of the by-law may be given to the Ontario Land Tribunal for a hearing and decision.

Stephen O’Brien
City Clerk
City of Guelph
1 Carden Street, Guelph ON N1H 3A1

For more information

Stephen Robinson, Senior Heritage Planner
Planning Services 519-822-1260 x 2496
[email protected]