Gordon Street to University Avenue West
Notice date: March 21, 2025
About the project
The City of Guelph is working to replace and upgrade water and wastewater infrastructure, and design and construct protected cycling infrastructure on College Avenue from Janefield Avenue to Dundas Lane.
Existing cast iron watermain will be replaced and upsized to improve capacity and distribution. Wastewater sewer will be replaced and upsized west of Edinburgh Road South and between University Avenue and Gordon Street to address existing capacity constraints. We are also upgrading the cycling infrastructure to support all ages and abilities.
The project requires detailed information about underground utilities that require exposure. This is completed by using a strong vacuum hose to make a test hole down to the location of the utility. The work is being completed by T2 Utility Engineers on behalf of the City. All test hole locations are located on City property, within the road or boulevard.
Work begins March 24
Test holes will be completed between March 24 and April 4. The duration of work at each location is not anticipated to exceed a few hours.
Localized lane reductions
Localized lane reductions may be required at each test hole location while work is being completed.
Pedestrian access
Some test hole locations may overlap with the sidewalk. In these instances, the contractor will work with impacted sidewalk users to detour around the equipment.
Driveway access
Access to select residential driveways may be temporarily impacted by the construction equipment or traffic cones. In these instances, the contractor will work with impacted residents to temporarily permit access to/from the driveway, if possible. In some locations, residents may be required to utilize street parking for the duration of the activity (approximately 4 hours).
City services
There will be no interruption to any City services during construction. Waste collection will not be affected. Please continue to place your green, blue and grey carts at the curb, as per your regular schedule.
Map of construction area
The work will be completed generally on College Avenue, with some investigation expected at the intersection at Gordon Street. The City appreciates your patience, understanding and co-operation during this important project. Project details and any updates will be posted on guelph.ca/construction.
For more information
For more information about the project, and ways you can get involved, please visit the College Avenue infrastructure upgrades project page, or please contact:
Anindita Datta, P. Eng, Project Engineer
Design and Construction, Engineering and Transportation Services
City of Guelph
519-822-1260 extension 2756
TTY 519-826-9771
[email protected]