Your road map to a safe and ticket-free parking experience

Guelph, Ont., August 28, 2024 – Back-to-school is upon us again with challenges that include higher traffic in school neighbourhoods. We can all do our part to ensure a happy and safe school year by walking and biking to school safely, parking in designated areas only and slowing down near schools.

Where to park

If you’re not walking or biking to school, there are a few places where it’s safe to park near schools to get kids where they need to be.

Kiss and ride zones

Kiss and ride zones in front of schools are not parking spaces. You may pull in to drop off a student, but do not park and leave your car. These spaces are designed to keep cars moving and make room for others.

Permitted parking on side streets

Look for designated parking spaces on side streets near the school. Take your time sending kids off, or walk with them onto school property. Pro tip: If you find a space without a “no parking” sign, you’re allowed to park.

Do not park in neighbouring driveways or block in other cars.

Tips for a safe back-to-school

  • Slow down when entering a school zone.
  • No parking zone signs mean no parking. Vehicle loading and unloading only.
  • No stopping zone signs mean you can’t stop at all.
  • School bus loading zones are for school buses and taxis only.

All posted regulations will be strictly enforced as a part of our commitment to keeping children safe. For more information, please contact bylaw at 519-837-2529.

For more information

Dustin Gronc, Manager
Corporate and Community Safety, Operations
City of Guelph
519-822-1260 extension 3475
[email protected]