Guelph Tourism launches funding streams to support tourism product development

Tourism funding streams open for visitor-oriented events, experiences, and assets to boost Guelph’s tourism industry.

Guelph, Ont., June 3, 2024— The City of Guelph and Destination Marketing Guelph are excited to announce the launch of the Tourism Grants Program, designed to support the development and attraction of new tourism initiatives across Guelph.

On April 16, City Council passed the Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT) Administration Policy, which outlined three funding portfolios to support strategic tourism investments that prioritize the advancement of Guelph’s reputation as a must-see visitor destination. The objectives of the funding streams are to support initiatives that demonstrate the ability to drive overnight stays at local accommodations and have a strong visitor appeal.

The funding streams will be jointly managed between the City’s Tourism and Destination Development office and Destination Marketing Guelph.

“We are looking forward to seeing innovative ideas and initiatives come forward to foster expanded tourism offerings in the City and highlight the opportunities the MAT can bring to the tourism economy,” said Hilary McCann, Executive Director of Destination Marketing Guelph.

“Funding programs that support the tourism industry have been an important goal for Guelph Tourism since the implementation of the Municipal Accommodation Tax,” says Alex Jaworiwsky, manager of Tourism and Destination Development for the City of Guelph. “We’ve seen a lot of interest and passion coming from the community and we’re looking forward to supporting strong partnerships and ideas that appeal to visitors.”

There will be three funding streams available in 2024 for activities that occurred between January 1 and December 31. A second round of funding for activities set to take place in 2025 will open again in November 2024.

Grant options

Destination Animation Fund

Encourages tourism product development for consistent community events to increase Guelph’s year-around tourism products while developing new partnerships amongst the tourism community.

Marketing Material Development Fund

Assists in the creation of new accessible physical and digital marketing materials to help tourism operators steward the Guelph story and tourism opportunities in a cohesive way.

Gather Here Sponsorship Fund

Supports the attraction of new larger-scale events in Guelph such as conferences, sporting events, and festivals. Successful applicants should be able to demonstrate high rates of visitor attraction, the ability to increase Guelph’s brand awareness, and collaboration with local accommodations and conference venues.

Applications are open

The Destination Animation Fund and the Marketing Material Development Fund will be accepting applications between June 3 and 28, 2024.

The Gather Here Sponsorship Fund will accept applications on rolling basis until 2027. Additional guidelines for applicants looking to apply for funding can visit or to learn more.

About the Economic Development and Tourism Strategy

The funding streams are an outcome of the 2022-2026 Economic Development and Tourism Strategy which supports a future-ready Guelph by helping to create a sustainable, creative and smart local economy that is connected to regional and global markets and supports shared prosperity for everyone. The strategy also supports the community’s vision for fostering inclusive prosperity as reflected in the Community Plan. With a renewed focus on people, the strategy aims to support local businesses, create jobs, and attract investments through the growth of Guelph’s industry clusters and a focus on several key sectors.

Media contact

Amaka Obi
Communications Officer
Strategic Communications and Community Engagement
City of Guelph
[email protected]