83 Paisley Street

Bylaw: (1985)-11920

Legal description: Pt Lot 631, Plan 8

Designated portions

All of the exterior of this house is designated, with the exception of the north-westerly (rear) wall. This includes the two street facades, easterly side walls, form of roof and chimneys. The present verandah is included but it is understood that an authentic porch of an earlier design could be substituted.

Property hHistory

One of the finest stone cottages in the city, built in the 1860’s for George Hadden, a Wyndham Street merchant. It is an excellent example of the best stone craftsmanship. Attractively sited on its elevated corner. The porch is compatible but is of a later, more ornate design.

Occupied at first by George Hadden, it was rented to Lawyer Walter H. Cutten (1869-1875) and was then sold to Thomas J. Day, Stationer. It stayed in the Day Family from 1877 to 1920, occupied by the family until 1884, then rented or occupied by family members (notably James E. Day, barrister, 1901-1905). Charles L. Welles, Registrar, occupied the home from 1920.