Organization, group or individual | How funds will be used | Emergency Fund amount received |
Alice Street Clubhouse | Funding will be used for the Clubhouse TV initiative to provide a new platform for local artists and media creators to display their work, and provide a central spot for our community to share and learn about local events and initiatives. | $4,500 |
Art Not Shame | Funding will be used for the Connection Through Expression, a free, trauma-informed, art therapy and expressive arts workshop series for youth with complex mental health challenges, ages 14-18. | $5,000 |
Ball 4 All Sports Initiative | Funds will support free access to basketball skills development, fitness, and nutrition education to low-income racialized youth between the ages of 8 and 17 in a safe outdoor environment at Norm Jary Park. | $11,000 |
Big Brother Big Sisters of Guelph | Funding will provide enhanced support to existing matches and create new matches that will serve additional children in our core program: Community-Based One-to-One Mentoring | 7,000 |
Black Lives Matter Guelph | Funding will support pandemic safe activities for Black and Indigenous members of the community. | $5,000 |
Bumaroo | Funding will support the on-line 2021 Bumaroo Music and Arts Festival. | $3,500 |
Career Education Council Guelph | Funds will be used to create the framework and pilot sessions for Connect Ed – Training and Working Circles. | $4,500 |
Chalmer’s Community Services Centre | Funding will provide food to people in the community experiencing food insecurity during and post pandemic. | $15,000 |
Children’s Foundation of Guelph and Wellington | Funds will support the Free to Grow Program, delivering recreational kits to kids at home and to provide bikes to kids in need. | $15,000 |
Church of the Apostles | Funding will support the Kitchen Bees program that prepares and supplies food to local emergency food providers. | $8,600 |
Ed Video | Funds will help support a Digital mentorship and Collaboration program to help artists connect and create work together in a COVID-safe manner | $12,000 |
Everdale Farm | Funding will support the Good Food Project which will harvest 7 acres of produce to be distributed to those experiencing food insecurity. | $8,000 |
Focus on Nature | Funding will support an on-line nature photography program to engage teenage youth in hands-on, creative nature exploration. | $7,500 |
Guelph Coalition for Active Transportation | Funding will support the planning and mapping the safest cycling routes to high schools in Guelph from each neighborhood they serve. | $5,000 |
Guelph Giants Special Needs Hockey | Funding will be utilized for ice rental, training of coaching staff and uniforms. | $7,500 |
Guelph Neighbourhood Support Coalition | Funding will support Emergency Food programs for the vulnerable sector. | $17,000 |
Guelph Tool Library | Funds will allow the adaptation of the current delivery program to allow for subsidized deliveries. | $10,000 |
Hillside Community Festival of Guelph | Funding will support workshops/sessions with local artists, facilitators and thinkers at Hillside Homeside 2021. | $15,000 |
Jobs.Opportunites.Enterprise (J.O.E) | Funds will support the Community Collaborators Program aimed at continuing quality programming within the community at low or no cost to participants during the pandemic. | $8,600 |
Kindle Communities Organization | Funding will be used to purchase a 6-piece island on wheels allowing cooking programs to be moved to the gym during the pandemic. | $12,000 |
Learning Disabilities Association of Wellington County | Funding will support a series of online programs for youth aged 11-14 with learning disabilities and/or ADHD. | $9,270 |
March of Dimes Canada | Funds will support the stroke peer support program. | $5,000 |
Michael House Pregnancy and Parenting Support Services | Funding will allow the delivery of in-house programming for families. | $16,800 |
Pet Protect Guelph | Funding will support the pet food bank, and screening for safe fostering homes to help keep families and pets together in times of crisis. | $3,000 |
PIN – The People and Information Network | Funding will be used to implement a Do It Yourself approach to create more volunteer opportunities for youth between the ages of 13-18. | $12,300 |
Royal City Artistic Swimming Club | Funding will allow for the development of a Social Media Strategy to support marketing and recruitment. | $2,600 |
Royal City Mission | Funding will support the Weather Station initiative to fill the gap and provide daytime shelter during extreme weather (both hot and cold). | $20,000 |
Sanguen Health Centre | Funding will support service delivery in existing locations and expand to new neighbourhoods in addition to delivering basic supplies. | $9,100 |
Shelldale Family Gateway | Funding will support both the Grab and Go Breakfast Club and the Community Table. | $9,500 |
The Guelph Enabling Garden | Funding will allow for the design and delivery of additional online Horticultural Therapist teaching sessions. | $5,000 |
The Julien Project | Funding will allow for the engagement of youth and children in a combination of online programming and garden site visits. In addition to delivering on-line certificate program in Horticultural Therapy. | $6,000 |
The SEED – Guelph Community Health Centre | Funding will support work with community gardeners and members to preserve their own harvest so that culturally valued foods are more safe, affordable and accessible throughout the year. | $13,000 |
Torchlight Services | Funding will support the continued offering of virtual programs to reduce social isolation and build sense of belonging for participants. | $11,400 |
TransArtivistProject | Funding will support the conversion of in-person arts-based events for the transgendered community to be delivered online. | $5,000 |
West Village Community Development Co-operative | Funding will support the weekly delivery of customized food boxes. | $15,000 |
Wyndham House | Funding will support the implementation of a Human Resource infrastructure plan to support staff recruitment, onboarding, orientation and enhanced training. | $6,500 |
YMCA of Three Rivers | Funding will support the implementation of a Youth Mindfulness Program and Y Mind program to support youth experiencing anxiety. | $5,000 |
Total amount: $336.170