City Council


City Council

What we do

City Council is elected to represent and consider the interests and well-being of the community. It provides oversight of the City’s administration and ensures policies, procedures, and practices are in place to implement Council decisions. Through its decision-making, Council directs staff, determines which services the municipality will provide and at what level, and upholds the municipality’s financial integrity.

Why we do it

As local elected representatives, members of Council are accountable to the community and work to serve the public interest. Council’s commitment to good governance and community engagement reflects our community’s values and aligns with the five priorities of the Strategic Plan.

2021 to 2024+ initiatives

  • Participate in training and conferences to support good governance and effective decision-making.

Budget details

Operating budget—Revenues and expenses

2021 budget impacts

$490 or 0.1% net increase in budget in 2021 due to:

  • inflationary cost pressures

2022 to 2024 budget impacts

$37,470 net increase in budget due to:

  • inflationary cost pressures