Strategic Plan Scan: Community


29 plans deal with economic benefit

Number of plans that deal with focus areas

Plans that deal with economic benefit Owner
A Place to Call Home: A 10-year Housing and Homelessness Plan for Guelph-Wellington County of Wellington
Adverse Childhood Experiences Coalition Guelph Wellington, Theory of Change Adverse Childhood Experiences Coalition Guelph Wellington
Asset Management Plan City of Guelph
Bicycle-Friendly Guelph: Cycling Master Plan City of Guelph
City of Guelph Official Plan [March 2018 Consolidation] City of Guelph
City of Guelph Solid Waste Management Master Plan Review (2014) City of Guelph
Community Energy Initiative Update 2018 Our Energy Guelph
Community Engagement Framework (August 7, 2015) City of Guelph
Community Investment Strategy (Phase 2 Report – September 11, 2012) City of Guelph
Cultural Heritage Action Plan (CHAP): Background Report (May 2018 – Draft) City of Guelph
Diversity and Inclusion Plan City of Guelph
Dufferin Wellington Special Needs Strategy Dufferin Wellington Special Needs
Framework & Theory of Change, Strategic Plan Toward Common Ground
Grow Guelph Business Retention and Expansion – Report 2016 Grow Guelph Task Force
Growing Great Generations Growing Great Generations Network
Growing Great Kids Growing Great Kids Network
Guelph Neighbourhood Support Coalition overview Guelph Neighbourhood Support Coalition
Guelph Wellington Local Immigration Partnership Project – Strategic Plan 2018-2020 Guelph Local Immigration Partnership
Natural Heritage Action Plan City of Guelph
Older Adult Strategy City of Guelph
Prosperity 2020 (Economic Development & Tourism Strategy) City of Guelph
Recreation, Parks & Culture Strategic Master Plan & South End Centre Component Study (July 2009) City of Guelph
Safe Communities Wellington County: Strategic Plan Safe Communities Wellington County
Strategic Plan City of Guelph
Sustainable Neighbourhood Engagement Framework City of Guelph
Think Youth: 2013-2018 Guelph Youth Strategy City of Guelph
Urban Design Action Plan City of Guelph
Water Supply Master Plan Update (2014) City of Guelph
2016 Water Efficiency Strategy Update City of Guelph

Focus area: Engagement

City of Guelph Official Plan

City of Guelph
March 2018 Consolidation
Focus area: Engagement

Priority areas
  • Sets out a policy framework for the efficient and adequate provision of physical and social infrastructure to sustain and support growth and quality of life
  • Lists the Secondary Plans that have been adopted by Council and form part of the Official Plan
Relevant sections
  • Chapter 4: Protecting What is Valuable
  • Chapter 7: Community Infrastructure
  • Chapter 9: Land Use
  • Section 11.1: Downtown Guelph Secondary Plan

Bicycle-Friendly Guelph: Cycling Master Plan

City of Guelph
February 2012
Focus area: Engagement

Priority areas
  • Form partnerships and support advocacy groups to enhance cycling
  • Conduct ongoing public engagement

Natural Heritage Action Plan

City of Guelph
September 2018
Focus area: Engagement

Priority areas
  • Urban ecosystem resilience to support a healthy community
  • Engagement models for supporting implementation
  • Education, outreach and stewardship

City of Guelph Solid Waste Management Master Plan Review

City of Guelph
May 2014
Focus area: Engagement

Priority areas
  • Implement a Grasscycling Program
  • Outreach for residential waste minimization and diversion programs
  • Outreach for multi-residential waste minimization and diversion programs

Water Supply Master Plan Update

City of Guelph
May 2014
Focus area: Engagement

Priority areas
  • Review and update the existing water supply system capacity, the projected population growth and the estimated future supply demand
  • Investigate existing and new water supply options, including water conservation strategies, considering water quality and quantity, water supply security, economic factors, environmental concerns and relevant regulations
  • Provide implementation recommendations for preferred water supply alternatives to meet the future demand

Water Efficiency Strategy Update

City of Guelph
September 2016
Focus area: Engagement

Priority areas
  • Reduce water use as part of new growth
  • Increase awareness and customer perception of the value of safe, reliable water supply

Recreation, Parks & Culture Strategic Master Plan & South End Centre Component Study

City of Guelph
July 2009
Focus area: Engagement

Priority areas
  • A complete community with affordable services and programs for people of all ages, including children, youth, adults, and seniors
  • A vibrant community that builds leadership and capacity through participation and social engagement
  • Strong relationships and coordination between the City and neighbourhood support groups, volunteers, and partners
  • A continued commitment to be a high-performance organization through the employment of best practices such as Integrated Service Delivery
  • A delivery system that leverages municipal resources and those of non‐municipal partners
  • Strategic partnerships with other recreation facility providers to maximize benefits to the community
  • A greener community that protects and enhances greenway corridors, trails, parks, and open space for current and future generations
  • A community that is physically connected through greenways, trails, open space corridors, rivers, and natural areas
  • Capitalize on our cultural assets to build economic prosperity, quality of life, and community identity

Older Adult Strategy

City of Guelph
October 2014
Focus area: Engagement

Priority areas
  • In Guelph, older adults and those who care for them will have easy access to comprehensive, timely and clear information regarding services and supports relevant to them
  • Guelph will be a place where older adults can contribute to the health of the economy and the community by actively participating in paid and unpaid work

Prosperity 2020

City of Guelph
Economic Development and Tourism Strategy
Focus area: Engagement

Priority areas
  • Homelessness
  • Housing
  • Food insecurity

Community Engagement Framework

City of Guelph
August 2015
Focus area: Engagement

Priority areas
  • Support the City’s strategic goals through transparent, accountable, consistent and accessible community engagement
  • Build engagement opportunities that inspire community stakeholders to shape Guelph’s future
  • Support decisions that reflect the common good for all Guelphites now and in the future
  • Build community stakeholder trust in the City of Guelph’s decision-making process

Community Investment Strategy

City of Guelph
Phase 2 Report – September 2012
Focus area: Engagement

Priority areas
  • Provide greater transparency and accountability to City support for local organizations
  • Enhance knowledge of existing and emerging community needs
  • Facilitate connections between community groups
  • Support joint marketing and communication efforts
  • Support use of city space as a community asset

Cultural Heritage Action Plan (CHAP)

City of Guelph
May 2015
Focus area: Engagement

Priority areas
  • Facilitate conservation of cultural heritage resources
  • Promote public awareness of heritage conservation in the community

Think Youth: Guelph Youth Strategy

City of Guelph
2013 to 2018
Focus area: Engagement

Priority areas
  • Facilitate quarterly youth meetings for the purpose of connecting new and existing youth groups together
  • Youth Services will coordinate twice annual youth town hall meetings between Mayor, Council and local youth; Have youth representation on the Guelph City Council
  • Facilitate Youth Engagement training for all City employees
  • Develop a comprehensive marketing plan so all youth are aware of programming and supports for youth in crisis
  • Continue supporting and promoting community endeavours that engage youth
  • Implement youth community gardening project
  • Provide free, accessible space for emerging and existing youth groups/committees
  • Expand the Wyndham House STEPS program throughout the City

Sustainable Neighbourhood Engagement Framework

City of Guelph
June 2010
Focus area: Engagement

Priority areas
  • Provide clarity on how the City works with, supports, and resources neighbourhoods in Guelph
  • Support connections and aligned initiatives between neighbourhoods and the City
  • Improve knowledge of the needs and opportunities of neighbourhoods and neighbourhood residents

Asset Management Plan

City of Guelph
2017 Interim Update
Focus area: Engagement

Priority areas
  • Defining levels of service in consultation with stakeholders
  • Documenting asset management business processes
  • Publicizing asset management documents such that they are accessible to all stakeholders
  • Developing stakeholder engagement strategies to ensure that internal and external stakeholders are able to participate, influence, and contribute to asset management initiatives, where appropriate

Theory of Change

Adverse Childhood Experiences Coalition Guelph Wellington
July 2018
Focus area: Engagement

Priority areas
  • To give practitioners and community members information (through training and take-home resources) about adverse childhood experiences, resilience and their role in addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
  • To identify actions and interventions that move towards shared vision
  • To increase our collective knowledge about ACEs, as well as to strengthen skills and strategies to support people who have experienced ACEs

Grow Guelph Business Retention and Expansion

Grow Guelph Task Force
September 2017
Focus area: Engagement

Priority area
  • Encourage support for local businesses

Growing Great Kids

Growing Great Kids Network
Focus area: Engagement

Priority areas
  • Make early years services and programmes respond to the diversity of children & their families in our community
  • Improve accessibility of the GGK website to families and service providers
  • Make GGK website content relevant to the needs of users (families and service providers)
  • Develop a holistic understanding of the transition to school process

Growing Great Generations

Growing Great Generations Network
2018 to 2023 Community Plan
Focus area: Engagement

Priority areas
  • Integrate the Early Development Instrument (EDI) data with other existing local data to develop a comprehensive picture of the risk factors in early childhood development associated with access to early years programmes and services
  • Identify and clearly define the full range of transition points and support needs for various populations of children and youth
  • Develop transition supports survey for children, youth, and families accessing these supports
  • Increase knowledge and awareness of the different parental supports available locally
  • Identify and increase awareness about parental supports that meet the unique needs of priority populations, including youth who are parents
  • Explore strategies for supporting families with complex needs in the community
  • Identify social inclusion support needs of marginalized children and youth
  • Identify diversity training needs across the service system for children and youth to enhance the capacity of service providers

Strategic Plan

Guelph Arts Council
Focus area: Engagement

Priority areas
  • Increase opportunities for the creative community to learn, work and thrive in Guelph
  • Grow connections and collaboration in the arts and between community sectors
  • Increase the engagement of residents and visitors with Guelph’s artists and arts programs

Guelph Neighbourhood Support Coalition overview

Guelph Neighbourhood Support Coalition
2018 – 2023 Community Plan
Focus area: Engagement

Priority areas
  • Each neighbourhood group should reflect the community that surrounds them
  • Each neighbourhood group should embed policy and process that ensures accessibility, understands diversity, and teaches about inclusivity
  • The Guelph Neighbourhood Support Coalition (GNSC) can help neighbourhood groups shape themselves to be representative of their whole neighbourhood while also being part of something larger across the city
  • The GNSC can also nurture and guide the neighbourhood groups to ensure they are developing and delivering programs and events that are truly meeting the needs of the community

Guelph Wellington Local Immigration Partnership Project

Guelph Local Immigration Partnership
Strategic Plan 2018 to 2020
Focus area: Engagement

Priority areas
  • Increase access to up-to-date data about newcomers/ immigration trends
  • Partnership with organizations to help streamlining and improving timeliness of access to service
  • Strengthen newcomer voice in housing issues
  • Improve access to translation services
  • Foster cultural connections
  • Increase awareness of impact of newcomers
  • Create the condition for international students to want to stay in Guelph and Wellington

Safe Communities Wellington County: Strategic Plan

Safe Communities Wellington County
2018 – 2022 Strategic Plan
Focus area: Engagement

Priority areas
  • Create awareness by networking with new and existing partner
  • Successfully complete and submit annual report cards to Parachute Canada
  • Develop and implement evidence-based activities for addressing the identified needs within the community
  • Monitor and evaluate activities to ensure initiatives are implemented as intended and to quantify number of people reached with actions
  • Monitor and evaluate activities to ensure sustainability and effectiveness of programs
  • Grow our capacity to address emerging concerns in the community
  • To have an effective and collaborative approach to addressing safety issues in Wellington County through coordinated efforts of community partners
  • Maintain Safe Community Designation
  • Facilitate implementation of activities that will address the injury categories identified in our Priority Setting Exercise
  • Maintain a strategic plan to support the identified priorities

Framework & Theory of Change, Strategic Plan

City of Guelph
Toward Common Ground
Focus area: Engagement

Priority areas
  • Support the development and implementation of a community plan to prevent and mitigate the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences
  • Maintain and update data dashboard on
  • Facilitate Community of Practice for practitioners who support collaborative initiatives to address complex issues
  • Provide strategic planning and facilitation services for community partners and collaborative initiatives working on complex issues
  • Seize opportunities to secure local funds for a common purpose

A Place to Call Home

County of Wellington
A 10-year Housing and Homelessness Plan for Guelph-Wellington
Focus area: Engagement

Priority area
  • To end chronic homelessness

Focus area: Community buy-in

City of Guelph Official Plan

City of Guelph
March 2018 Consolidation
Focus area: Community buy-in

Priority areas
  • Sets out a policy framework for the efficient and adequate provision of physical and social infrastructure to sustain and support growth and quality of life
  • Lists the Secondary Plans that have been adopted by Council and form part of the Official Plan
Relevant sections
  • Chapter 3: Planning a Complete and Healthy Community Chapter 7: Community Infrastructure
  • Chapter 9: Land Use
  • Section 11.2: Guelph Innovation District Secondary Plan

City of Guelph Solid Waste Management Master Plan Review

City of Guelph
May 2014
Focus area: Community buy-in

Priority areas
  • Implement a Grasscycling Program
  • Outreach for residential waste minimization and diversion programs
  • Outreach for multi-residential waste minimization and diversion programs

Recreation, Parks & Culture Strategic Master Plan & South End Centre Component Study

City of Guelph
July 2009
Focus area: Community buy-in

Priority areas
  • A complete community with affordable services and programs for people of all ages, including children, youth, adults, and seniors
  • A vibrant community that builds leadership and capacity through participation and social engagement
  • Strong relationships and coordination between the City and neighbourhood support groups, volunteers, and partners
  • A continued commitment to be a high-performance organization through the employment of best practices such as Integrated Service Delivery
  • A delivery system that leverages municipal resources and those of non‐municipal partners
  • Strategic partnerships with other recreation facility providers to maximize benefits to the community
  • A greener community that protects and enhances greenway corridors, trails, parks, and open space for current and future generations
  • A community that is physically connected through greenways, trails, open space corridors, rivers, and natural areas
  • Capitalize on our cultural assets to build economic prosperity, quality of life, and community identity

Community Engagement Framework

City of Guelph
August 2015
Focus area: Community buy-in

Priority areas
  • Support the City’s strategic goals through transparent, accountable, consistent and accessible community engagement
  • Build engagement opportunities that inspire community stakeholders to shape Guelph’s future
  • Support decisions that reflect the common good for all Guelphites now and in the future
  • Build community stakeholder trust in the City of Guelph’s decision-making process

Community Energy Initiative Update

Our Energy Guelph
2018 Update
Focus area: Community buy-in

Priority areas
  • Take actions within our sphere of influence, as a community and as a municipality
  • Develop strategic partnerships to maximize and expand that sphere of influence

Bicycle-Friendly Guelph: Cycling Master Plan

City of Guelph
February 2012
Focus area: Community buy-in

Priority areas
  • Form partnerships and support advocacy groups to enhance cycling
  • Conduct ongoing public engagement

Natural Heritage Action Plan

City of Guelph
September 2018
Focus area: Community buy-in

Priority areas
  • Urban ecosystem resilience to support a healthy community
  • Engagement models for supporting implementation
  • Education, outreach and stewardship

Older Adult Strategy

City of Guelph
October 2014
Focus area: Community buy-in

Priority areas
  • In Guelph, older adults and those who care for them will have easy access to comprehensive, timely and clear information regarding services and supports relevant to them
  • Guelph will be a place where older adults can contribute to the health of the economy and the community by actively participating in paid and unpaid work

Community Investment Strategy

City of Guelph
Phase 2 Report – September 2012
Focus area: Community buy-in

Priority areas
  • Provide greater transparency and accountability to City support for local organizations
  • Enhance knowledge of existing and emerging community needs
  • Facilitate connections between community groups
  • Support joint marketing and communication efforts
  • Support use of city space as a community asset

Urban Design Action Plan

City of Guelph
November 2017
Focus area: Community buy-in

Priority areas
  • Create a design toolbox to accommodate an integrated approach to placemaking
  • Prepare a Community Improvement Plan for community mixed-use nodes

Think Youth: Guelph Youth Strategy

City of Guelph
2013 to 2018
Focus area: Engagement

Priority areas
  • Facilitate quarterly youth meetings for the purpose of connecting new and existing youth groups together
  • Youth Services will coordinate twice annual youth town hall meetings between Mayor, Council and local youth; Have youth representation on the Guelph City Council
  • Facilitate Youth Engagement training for all City employees
  • Develop a comprehensive marketing plan so all youth are aware of programming and supports for youth in crisis
  • Continue supporting and promoting community endeavours that engage youth
  • Implement youth community gardening project
  • Provide free, accessible space for emerging and existing youth groups/committees
  • Expand the Wyndham House STEPS program throughout the City

Diversity and Inclusion Plan

City of Guelph
Focus area: Community buy-in

Priority area
  • Embed inclusive messaging into all job adverts, employment outreach activities and onboarding materials to attract a diverse candidate pool and reinforce messaging for all new team members

Sustainable Neighbourhood Engagement Framework

City of Guelph
June 2010
Focus area: Community buy-in

Priority areas
  • Provide clarity on how the City works with, supports, and resources neighbourhoods in Guelph
  • Support connections and aligned initiatives between neighbourhoods and the City
  • Improve knowledge of the needs and opportunities of neighbourhoods and neighbourhood residents

Framework & Theory of Change, Strategic Plan

City of Guelph
Toward Common Ground
Focus area: Community buy-in

Priority areas
  • Support the development and implementation of a community plan to prevent and mitigate the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences
  • Maintain and update data dashboard on
  • Facilitate Community of Practice for practitioners who support collaborative initiatives to address complex issues
  • Provide strategic planning and facilitation services for community partners and collaborative initiatives working on complex issues
  • Seize opportunities to secure local funds for a common purpose

Dufferin Wellington Special Needs Strategy

Dufferin Wellington Special Needs
Focus area: Community buy-in

Priority area
  • New service planning coordinators for children and youth with multiple or complex special needs will connect families to the right services and supports

Growing Great Kids

Growing Great Kids Network
Focus area: Community buy-in

Priority areas
  • Make early years services and programmes respond to the diversity of children & their families in our community
  • Improve accessibility of the GGK website to families and service providers
  • Make GGK website content relevant to the needs of users (families and service providers)
  • Develop a holistic understanding of the transition to school process

Growing Great Generations

Growing Great Generations Network
2018 to 2023 Community Plan
Focus area: Community buy-in

Priority areas
  • Integrate the Early Development Instrument (EDI) data with other existing local data to develop a comprehensive picture of the risk factors in early childhood development associated with access to early years programmes and services
  • Identify and clearly define the full range of transition points and support needs for various populations of children and youth
  • Develop transition supports survey for children, youth, and families accessing these supports
  • Increase knowledge and awareness of the different parental supports available locally
  • Identify and increase awareness about parental supports that meet the unique needs of priority populations, including youth who are parents
  • Explore strategies for supporting families with complex needs in the community
  • Identify social inclusion support needs of marginalized children and youth
  • Identify diversity training needs across the service system for children and youth to enhance the capacity of service providers

Strategic Plan

Guelph Arts Council
Focus area: Community buy-in

Priority areas
  • Increase opportunities for the creative community to learn, work and thrive in Guelph
  • Grow connections and collaboration in the arts and between community sectors
  • Increase the engagement of residents and visitors with Guelph’s artists and arts programs

Guelph Neighbourhood Support Coalition overview

Guelph Neighbourhood Support Coalition
2018 – 2023 Community Plan
Focus area: Community buy-in

Priority areas
  • Each neighbourhood group should reflect the community that surrounds them
  • Each neighbourhood group should embed policy and process that ensures accessibility, understands diversity, and teaches about inclusivity
  • The Guelph Neighbourhood Support Coalition (GNSC) can help neighbourhood groups shape themselves to be representative of their whole neighbourhood while also being part of something larger across the city
  • The GNSC can also nurture and guide the neighbourhood groups to ensure they are developing and delivering programs and events that are truly meeting the needs of the community

Guelph Wellington Local Immigration Partnership Project

Guelph Local Immigration Partnership
Strategic Plan 2018 to 2020
Focus area: Community buy-in

Priority areas
  • Increase access to up-to-date data about newcomers/ immigration trends
  • Partnership with organizations to help streamlining and improving timeliness of access to service
  • Strengthen newcomer voice in housing issues
  • Improve access to translation services
  • Foster cultural connections
  • Increase awareness of impact of newcomers
  • Create the condition for international students to want to stay in Guelph and Wellington

Safe Communities Wellington County: Strategic Plan

Safe Communities Wellington County
2018 – 2022 Strategic Plan
Focus area: Community buy-in

Priority areas
  • Create awareness by networking with new and existing partner
  • Successfully complete and submit annual report cards to Parachute Canada
  • Develop and implement evidence-based activities for addressing the identified needs within the community
  • Monitor and evaluate activities to ensure initiatives are implemented as intended and to quantify number of people reached with actions
  • Monitor and evaluate activities to ensure sustainability and effectiveness of programs
  • Grow our capacity to address emerging concerns in the community
  • To have an effective and collaborative approach to addressing safety issues in Wellington County through coordinated efforts of community partners
  • Maintain Safe Community Designation
  • Facilitate implementation of activities that will address the injury categories identified in our Priority Setting Exercise
  • Maintain a strategic plan to support the identified priorities

Framework & Theory of Change, Strategic Plan

City of Guelph
Toward Common Ground
Focus area: Community buy-in

Priority areas
  • Support the development and implementation of a community plan to prevent and mitigate the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences
  • Maintain and update data dashboard on
  • Facilitate Community of Practice for practitioners who support collaborative initiatives to address complex issues
  • Provide strategic planning and facilitation services for community partners and collaborative initiatives working on complex issues
  • Seize opportunities to secure local funds for a common purpose