Imperial Road North and Massey Road intersection
Notice date: January 31, 2025
About the project
Alectra Utilities will be replacing overhead assets on Imperial Road North and Massey Road. The scope of work will include the replacement of poles, anchors, and pole mounted equipment.
Work begins February 3
Work is expected to start on or about Monday, February 3 and take about three weeks to complete, weather permitting. Most of the construction will occur during weekdays between the hours of 8:00am to 4:00pm.
An interruption to your electrical service may be required to facilitate the change to the new infrastructure. If your power is affected, you will receive notifications by phone or by notice on your front door/business. Please ensure that your primary contact phone number attached to your Alectra Utilities/Guelph Hydro account is current.
Lane reductions and detours
No lane reductions are proposed for this project. Two-way traffic will always be maintained.
Property and business access and parking
Every effort will be made to avoid disruption to your property. The contractor will provide at least 24 hours’ notice if there will be any disruption to driveway access.
City services
There will be no interruption to any City services during construction. Waste collection will not be affected. Please continue to place your green, blue and grey carts at the curb, as per your regular schedule.
Map of construction area
The City appreciates your patience, understanding and co-operation during this important construction project. Any updates will be posted on
For more information
For more information about the project, or if you require this document to be provided in an alternative format as per the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005), please contact:
Scott Rouse, Supervisor, Technical Services
Engineering and Transportation Services
City of Guelph
519-822-1260 extension 4116
TTY 519-826-9771
[email protected]