Taking care of trees during development construction

Guelph’s Tree Technical Manual sets out rules for protecting, planting and maintaining trees during development, construction, and maintenance activities on private and public properties.

The manual includes the steps we’re taking to protect, measure, increase and enhance Guelph’s urban forest as our community continues to grow. It also helps make tree-related plans and reports more consistent and easier to use.

The City follows the practices set out in the manual for its own operations and refers to these practices when reviewing proposed development applications.

Tree siting guidelines

Tree Technical Manual

Before during and after construction on private or public property, we must take measures to prevent damage and encourage long-term health of plants and trees on or near the site. Please refer to the manual to prevent damage including:

  • Mechanical injury to trunk and crown;
  • Cutting roots;
  • Compacting soil;
  • Changing grade of soil over root systems; and
  • Changing surface drainage or water table

Proposed development applications

If a property is larger than 0.2 hectares, and your proposal affects any tree measuring at least 10 centimetres in diameter at 1.4 metres above the ground, or if your proposal will impact City-owned trees you may need to include one or more of the following plans with your application:

  • A landscape plan
  • A tree inventory and preservation plan
  • A vegetation compensation plan
  • A street tree plan

Please refer to the manual for more specific information.


Related policies

For more information

519-822-1260 extension 5626
[email protected]